Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘geoplanet’

Worldinfo – my Event Apart 10KB submission (information and documented source code)

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

As you might know, an Event Apart in association with Microsoft are currently running a competition asking developers what they can do in under 10KB and I thought I have a shot at that.

So here’s my submission: an interface to get information about any country on this planet in under 5K:

I got the idea last Thursday during Pub Standards in London when someone asked me if it is possible to get information about all the countries in the world using YQL. The main interest was not only to get the names but also the bounding box information in order to display maps with the right zoom level. And it is, all you need to do in YQL is the following:

select name,boundingBox from geo.places.children(0) where
parent_woeid=1 and placetype=”country” | sort(field=”name”)

This gets all the children of the entry with the WOEID of 1 (Earth, that is) in the GeoPlanet dataset that are a country and sorts them alphabetically for you.

Each of the results comes with bounding box information which you then can use to display a map with the Open Streetmap static image API (or any other provider). For example:

Or as I use it:

var image = ‘’+

The last piece to the puzzle was where to get country information from and of course the easiest is Wikipedia. Every country web site in Wikipedia has a info table about it which turned out to be too much of a pain to clean up so all I did was to scrape the first three paragraphs following this table with YQL:

select * from html where
and xpath=”//table/following-sibling::p” limit 3

The rest, as they say, is history. I built the system in all in all 2 hours and now I spent some time to clean it up and spice it up:

World Info - my 10kb app compo entry (spiced up source version) by photo

As the first loading of the data takes a long time I use HTML5 local storage to cache the country information. This means you only have to wait once and subsequently it’ll be much faster.

You can download and see the source of Worldinfo on GitHub and read through the massive amount of comments I left for you.

If I were to build this as a real product I would cache the results on a server rather than hammering the APIs every time a user comes along – as the information doesn’t change much this makes much more sense. I will probably release a PHP version of that soon. For now, this is what we have.

YQL Geo Library and Introduction to Geo Hacking talk

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

I am right now in Atlanta, Georgia for the Georgia Tech University Hack and one of the hot technologies we want to have students hack on is geolocation. To this end, I have given a talk on geo hacking:

As a follow-up to the talk and to make it easier for students to build geo hacks rather than battling the different APIs, I’ve put together a small JavaScript library that fulfills a lot of geo hacking needs:

  • Detecting the visitor’s location with the W3C geo API and with IP as a fallback
  • Find geo location from text
  • Find location from lat/lon pair
  • Find locations in a certain web document (by URL)
  • Get the location for a certain IP number

Check out the YQL Geo Library demo page and get the YQL Geo Library source on GitHub.

GeoPlanet Explorer – another showcase for quick development with YQL and YUI

Friday, February 26th, 2010

A few days ago Gary Gale pinged me on messenger and subsequently carried a cup of coffee to my desk to pester me with another challenge. This time he talked about just how rich and cool the GeoPlanet data is and that it is tough to show people this in a simple interface. Internally we have a few pretty cool tools for testing and analyzing the data but most of them are too loaded with information only understandable for the geo folk out there. So in essence, the benevolent overlord of geo technologies in Yahoo was asking to build a simple interface to navigate the GeoPlanet data.

Well, this morning I got a chance to have a go at his request and here’s the GeoPlanet Explorer interface for you. Check the following screencast to see it in action:

Building the interface wasn’t magic – I used YQL to access the data, write a few lines of PHP to display it in a nested list and then added a few lines of YUI3 JavaScript to collapse and expand the location details.

Notice that the whole interface uses progressive enhancement throughout. If you have no JavaScript at your disposal you get a static map and all the information in one single page. The lat/lon links open in Yahoo Maps and you can see the location there.

If you have JavaScript enabled the interface collapses and the map is Ajax and will be refreshed every time you click on a lat/lon link.

The source code of the GeoPlanet Explorer is available on GitHub and it can give you a few pointers how to use the GeoPlanet API with YQL for your own solutions.