TTMMHTM: Google Les Paul, SVG Maps, CSS3 Cubes and Comics
Thursday, June 9th, 2011Things that made me happy this morning (yes, it is back)
- Today’s Google Doodle is a playable guitar in honour of Les Paul (screencast)
- HTML Boilerplate makes it much easier to write those annoying HTML emails
- A collection of simple .htaccess snippets
- jVectorMap is a jQuery plugin to make simple map visualisations in SVG - for larger data sets there is GISCloud
- If you are a security company you shouldn’t leave your encryption keys in a readable folder (fixed now – screenshot)
- Great comics that never happened is an awesome series
- The Aloha Editor guys have a pretty mental CSS3 Cube Demo but awful browser detection on it
- Very cool behind the scene shots of classic films