TTMMHTM: Geo APIs, some cool HTML5 interfaces and Michael Jackson vs. Vuvuzelas
Thursday, December 9th, 2010 at 10:59 amThings that made me happy this morning:
- Apparently I am the third most influental GitHub user in London – more importantly, ex-colleages Steve Marshall and Yoan Blanc lead England and Switzerland!
- SimpleGeo has released two new Geo free APIs that give almost the same data density as Yahoo GeoPlanet
- A Star Wars alphabet of win
- Github have a really cool new tree interface using the HTML5 History API
- The new HTML5 interface of NYT looks quite nice
- Make your iPhone look like a nice snack
- Genius copy protection by Ubisoft Vuvuzelas Blare on Pirated Copies of Michael Jackson
- Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behaviour explains all the internals of Pac Man
- Getting to work with new web technologies is a cool introduction to the topic
- If Web Browsers Were Celebrities is a cute little infographic
- Minimalist Muppets are good fun
- Now there is a Opera Mobile emulator for desktop
- head.js lazy-loads scripts in order and has some CSS3 and HTML5 detection methods.
- A full-length Star Trek fan fiction movie in 3D renderings
- Did you know you can use Google Translate as a beatbox
- Flickr Hack Makes 3D Model of Any City in a Day
- TweetSentiments now has a new API.
- Good tutorial on Stack Overflow on starting with Git
- Social Steganography: Learning to Hide in Plain Sight is an interesting take on Facebook privacy
- A service to clean up your PSD files into organised folders
- Ars Technica’s explanation of how they build der iPad app with HTML5
- Carina Reindl hat eine deutsche version meines “images” Artikels fuer OWSC
- Eric Karjaluoto has some interesting tips on delivering presentations
- MIT Labs create hack to browse Chrome with body movements using a Kinect controller