TTMMHTM: Scaling and redesigns, iPad for access, old games, HTML5 polyfills and unicorns
Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 at 12:10 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- Dan Catt of the Guardian (and Flickr fame) has a great write-up on website redesigns and scaling issues with social elements.
- Ablenet provides us with SoundingBoard, an iPad/iPhone/iPad Touch app that allows you to create message boards with nine predefined messages connected to your own photos. Imagine Hawking’s communicator on a shoestring.
- Usabilitypost explain their confusion with endless scrolling Ajax loaders in the elusive footer
- ThinkUp is a great tool to archive and analyse your social media use (yes, Twitter and Facebook)
- Krishna Kumar collected some interesting Characteristics of great programmers
- Chris Shiflett has a simple introduction to using Twitter oAuth
- A list of words blacklisted by Google instant – yes, they all are naughty
- Why companies should insist on employees taking naps has some interesting insights into naps
- Another proof that unicorns solve anything!
- A great gallery of 3D illusion chalk paintings
- The Bespin bookmarklet turns any textarea into a code editor
- 100 Amiga games in 10 minutes and 60 DOS Games in 5 minutes
- A list of all the HTML5 Cross-Browser polyfills
- According to Cursebird I swear like an enthusiastic porn star – oh, well.
Tags: accessibility, archiving, ipad, ttmmhtm, twitter, usability