Christian Heilmann

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Archive for the ‘javascript’ Category

Promote better JavaScript documentation with PromoteJS

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

As I heard during my visit in the valley last week and just now from the goings-on at the JSConf in Berlin, Mozilla is working on ramping up the already amazing MDC documentation for JavaScript and you can help by providing some guerrilla SEO - simply add the following image with the right code available at to any article that talks about JavaScript:

JavaScript JS Documentation: JS Array splice, JavaScript Array splice, JS Array .splice, JavaScript Array .splice

The reason is obvious when you search for the term “JavaScript” – the things you find are wiki articles or even products that tell you not to care about learning JavaScript when you use them. As the term JavaScript was a hot SEO term during the DHTML days and with the resurrection now a lot of sites washed out the experience of finding something good when you try to use the web to find it. When I wrote my JavaScript book Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax I had a chapter that told you where to find good information about JavaScript and other than the MDC and SelfHTML (if you are German or Spanish) I drew quite a blank. Lately Sitepoint started to put together some good docs but then all we had was W3Schools.

Let’s shine a Flashlight on the elephant in the room: W3Schools. This site is the number one for almost every technical search term in CSS, JavaScript and HTML. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Its SEO is spot on – heading structure, amount of links and deep level content (long tail)
  • It leaves you with a good feeling – “oh this is how simple it is! Cool, no need to read more, just copy and paste the example and I am an expert”
  • It is fast and small

The “good feeling” part is also what makes it dangerous. I ranted in several talks about the Siren Song of W3schools – it gives you the what but not the why. You can use it as a reference when you already know your stuff but it is dangerous for people to learn a subject matter. Programming is not about syntax alone – it is also about the environment you apply it in. W3schools is like bringing up your kid on fast food – quick, fast and cheap. This is not the fault of the maintainers of W3Schools – it is the fault of people sending new learners there for information.

The PHP docs are a good compromise of fast information with insights from implementers in the field – I learnt more from comments on the docs in PHP than from the entries themselves.

In the write great code examples chapter of my Developer Evangelism handbook I described a blueprint how to write a code example that explains and educates. Sadly this takes much more work than just showing the syntax. And this is why the docs sites that simply tell the “how” are winning – they update much faster with less overhead.

It is very cool to see Chris WillisonChris Williams(DOH!) and others take on the challenge and Mozilla to me is the perfect host for this kind of effort – they are open, independent when it comes to JS and have a track record of providing good docs.

Interestingly enough about five few years ago I tried a similar approach for all docs:

Replacing old tutorials with new ones - Obsoletely Famous by photo

Other than getting it hacked once I found no support for it though so I shut it down a year ago. Now with the leading names of the market talking about a similar thing at the leading conference of the language we have a better chance. Help us!

Maintainable JavaScript – Videos of my Fronteers talk are now available

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

The lovely people (check the interview to see what I mean) at Bachelor ICT just released “the videos of my talk about Maintainable JavaScript” at the Fronteers conference in Amsterdam:

Here’s part one of the talk:

Chris Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript, part 1 from on Vimeo.

And Part 2:

Christian Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript, part 2 from on Vimeo.

They also interviewed me after the talk to re-iterate some of the points:

Christian Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript from on Vimeo.

Great job guys, thank you!

You can find the slides of the talk at slideshare.

Conjuring YUI from thin air

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

I love the YUI loader as it is a great way of including the YUI on the fly. The coolest bits about it is that it gets the YUI components from the CDN and knows the dependencies so I don’t have to. So if I need the YUI for something, I don’t need extra SCRIPT nodes a maintainer has to include, just my SCRIPT. However, what we still need is including the YUI loader itself.

Unless… you use the YAHOO_config listener. This thing is older than both YUI get and YUI Loader and is an object method that gets called every time a YUI component is loaded. So why not load the YUI Loader using this?

One problem is that the YUI Loader doesn’t call the config listener saying it is a loader, but saying it is the get utility. Another issue is that it does not work to execute the Loader immediately after it called itself “get”. The workaround is to use a timeout.

Wrap all of that inside the YAHOO_config object and you’ll conjure the YUI out of thin air. The following example loads YUI Dom, YUI Event and alerts “done” once all is ready. Check it out here

YAHOO_config = function(){
var s = document.createElement(‘script’);
if( === ‘get’){

var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader();
var dependencies = [‘yahoo’,’dom’,’event’];
loader.loadOptional = true;



Thanks to Alex Liu to get the setTimeout trick.

The missing native DOM methods – according to my course attendees

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

During the course I am currently giving in Sunnyvale on basics of the DOM and progressive enhancement I asked the attendees which methods seem to be missing in the native DOM implementation and this is what we came up with:

  • createLink(url,text) – a shortcut method to create a link with a text node inside – something you constantly have to do when creating interfaces
  • insertAfter(newNode,oldNode) – there is an insertBefore, but no insertAfter
  • removeNode(node) – the native removeChild is convoluted
  • textElement(elementName,text) – it seems not necessary to create an Element, then create a text node and apply it, this could be one step
  • addScript(url) – to lazy-load JavaScripts
  • normalizeNode(node) – to remove those pesky line-breaks that interfere with nextSibling or previousSibling
  • getText(node) – retrieving the text content of a node that is either a text or an element node
  • setText(node,text) – setting the text regardless of node type

I asked the attendees to come up with a method each and to present them, here’s what we got:

jukuhelpers = function(){
function createLink(url,text,cssClass){
var link = document.createElement(‘a’);
if (typeof url = 'string'){
link.setAttribute('href', url);

if (typeof text = ‘string’){

if (typeof cssClass = 'string'){
link.className = cssClass;

return link;

function insertAfter(newNode,oldNode){
? oldNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, oldNode.nextSibling)
: oldNode.parentNode.appendChild(newNode);

function removeNode(node){
if (node) {

function textElement(elementName,text){
if (typeof text = ‘string’){
var txtElement = document.createElement(elementName);
var txtNode = document.createTextNode(text);

return txtElement;

function addScript(url){
var s = document.createElement(‘script’);
s.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘text/javascript’);
s.setAttribute(‘src’, url);
var head = document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0];

function getText(node){
var txt;
if (node && node.nodeType = 1) {
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
txt = node.firstChild.nodeValue;

if (node && node.nodeType = 3) {
txt = node.nodeValue;

return txt;

function setText(node,text){
if (node && node.nodeType = 1) {
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node.firstChild.nodeValue = text;

else {

if (node && node.nodeType = 3) {
node.nodeValue = text;

function normalizeNode(node){
var spaceTest = /^s+$/;
var children = node.childNodes;
for(var i=0;children[i];i++){
if(children[i].nodeType === 3){





You can get the jukuhelpers.js file if you want to use it yourself.

Anything else that is missing or any bugs in this?

@mediaAjax 2008 site is live

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

@mediaAjax Just like last year, Patrick Griffith managed to assemble quite an impressive group of JavaScript experts to talk about all things Ajax and Scripting. This year’s schedule reads very nicely indeed and I am happy to see that all aspects of using JS are covered, including a session by Richard Rutter of clearleft on how to wireframe Ajax interactions.

This is especially welcome to me, as JavaScript is so omnipresent in web development these days that we all need to know about it and bring in our different skills to make great products. JavaScript should not shock Information Architects and Designers, but help them make things easier for the end users.

This also ties in nicely with my session which is, not to anyone’s surprise on using JavaScript to increase the accessibility of products, named Scripting Enabled, the same as the event I am organizing revolving around the same topic:

Scripting Enabled

The relationship of JavaScript and accessibility has never been a good one. A lot of myths circulating around the use and capabilities of assistive technology branded JavaScript as a bad technology and Ajax as a total faux pas. This is changing as a lot of companies now open their systems to developers with APIs that are Ajax and JavaScript driven. This session will explain how some of these can be used to make data available to users with disabilities that were blocked out before. Accessibility is first and foremost about removing barriers for users, regardless of ability. Using JavaScript and Ajax to work around accessibility issues of rich media applications is one way of doing that. It is like creating mash-ups to test out some APIs – only that the benefit is much higher than just proving a point.

I am looking forward to @mediaAjax, having had a great time there last year. I might be a bit knackered though, as I will be at the Fronteers conference in Amsterdam just a few days before :)