Christian Heilmann

Maintainable JavaScript – Videos of my Fronteers talk are now available

Saturday, October 11th, 2008 at 12:43 am

The lovely people (check the interview to see what I mean) at Bachelor ICT just released “the videos of my talk about Maintainable JavaScript” at the Fronteers conference in Amsterdam:

Here’s part one of the talk:

Chris Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript, part 1 from on Vimeo.

And Part 2:

Christian Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript, part 2 from on Vimeo.

They also interviewed me after the talk to re-iterate some of the points:

Christian Heilmann: Maintainable JavaScript from on Vimeo.

Great job guys, thank you!

You can find the slides of the talk at slideshare.

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