Christian Heilmann

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Archive for the ‘slideshare’ Category

SlideShare List WordPress Plug-In

Monday, June 30th, 2008

I wanted to give a list of all my presentations on SlideShare right here on the blog and started playing with the SlideShare API in earnest. As I failed in just including my results in the blog, I wrapped them in a WordPress plug-in in case you also feel like listing your SlideShare achievements.

You can see the plugin in action on the presentations page and here’s a screenshot:

screenshot of my list of presentations created with the slidesharelist plugin for wordpress

Notice that I am offering a link to Easy SlideShare as an option so that blind users can only go to the transcript instead of having to try to understand the Flash embed. The API actually has a transcript element, but there is no content in there right now. Would be cool to see it enabled :)

Update: The Plugin now also allows you to copy and paste the “WordPress” code from SlideShare into any WordPress blog running this plug-in.

Simply copy and paste the wordpress code provided by slideshare into any blog post running this plugin to have a fancy display

This screenshot shows what the inital state of a post (with some CSS) looks like:

screenshot of a SlideShare presentation shown with this plugin (closed state)

When you click the “here and now” link you get the “normal” SlideShare experience:

screenshot of a SlideShare presentation shown with this plugin (display state)

The plug-in is open source, BSD licensed and if you want to use it you need to get a developer key from SlideShare

Once you have those, simply change the variables in the slidesharelist-config.php file accordingly. Say SlideShare gave you a key of “minor” and a secret of “I really like Weird Al Yankovic” then you’ll have to change:

$key = ‘YOUR KEY’;
$secret = ‘YOUR SECRET’;
$apiurl = ‘’;

to the following:

$key = ‘minor’;
$secret = ‘I really like Weird Al Yankovic’;
$apiurl = ‘’;

That’s all you need to do, simply FTP the whole folder over to your plugin directory of WordPress and activate the plugin inside WordPress.

All you need to display your list of presentations in a blog post or page is to add the following:


For example the following would show my latest 5 slides:


The other option you have is to copy and paste a single presentation into the blog post. You can either use the following syntax:


An example would be my “Creating Happy Little Web Sites” presentation:


Alternatively you can use the copy and paste code slideshare offers you for blogs hosted on slideshare from the SlideShare presentation page itself. For example my presentation “Yahoo is Open for Developers” from the Ankara Open Source event:

[*slideshare id=477388&doc=opensourceankara-1213971414957829-9&w=425]

This is taken from:

New in 1.10:

As requested in the comments below, you can now also list slideshows for tags and groups. The syntax is the following:


For example:


And if you want to see slides for a certain tag:


For example:


Hacking SlideShare’s embed adding a preview and be a lot shorter and readable

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Edit: There is a bug in the script (see comments) but somehow Googlecode does not allow me to edit my own file. I will fix it once I got around that issue.The bug reported in the comments is now fixed, sadly enough I also had to re-write the converter as Google code does not allow me to replace an older version of a download (or is there a trick?). The new file is called previewer2.js

As readers of this blog know, I am a big fan of SlideShare as a distribution platform for my presentation slides. However, there are some things that annoy me about it.

One of them is the rather verbose embed code SlideShare offers you:

That is quite a mouthful and the main issue is that when you use several slide embeds in one document, you’ll slow down the rendering of your page as each of these Flash embeds need to be instantiated and tries to pre-cache the first three slides from S3.

I’ve analyzed the code a bit, added some other info I found in the RSS feed and came up with a small JavaScript that embeds slides in a different way. All you need there is the following code:

This gives slideshare the same SEO link love but is a lot less to add. Instead of the full slide include, you’ll get a preview image you can click that gets replaced with the flash movie. The following are examples:

Now, in order to convert one to the other you could do it by hand, or use the slideshare embed converter or install the Greasemonkey script

So far this is a hack, but I talked to Jonathan Boutelle about it yesterday night at the San Francisco JavaScript meetup and he is happy to pursue this idea further. My wishlist:

  • A larger preview image
  • A rest API call that gives me this information in a readable manner

Accessihacking Online Video – my presentation for BarCamp Brighton

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

I just finished my sesssion at BarCamp Brighton about making online video more accessible by allowing for sensible, time-based commenting which could become a poor man’s captioning in a second stage. In general it is just showing off my hack of the YouTube player using their API.

Dear API Developers, this is what I would like to have

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Jonathan Boutelle of Slideshare reacted to my slideshare show widget and liked how I hacked around the API by re-using the RSS feed. He now asked in the comments what I’d like to see from an API. Well, here goes:

  1. Allow for “hackable” URLs, with definition of the output. Flickr and are good examples, especially the option of defining a callback for the JSON: gets me a JSON data wrapped in a Delicious object, gets me the raw JSON data and wraps it in a function call to foo(). This rocks! The same goes for defining the output as the last parameter. Flickr does that well – for JSON, for RSS, for LOLCAT
  2. make sure that the JSON output is easy to use and does not have any annoying bits (encoded HTML or namespaced attributes – the description property in the flickr JSON to me is pointless weight for example)
  3. make the URL as logical as possible, I don’t like to have to use the user ID in flickr for example when the readable user name would be easier to do.
  4. it’d be great if you could send a unique ID as a parameter as that would allow you to match returned data to calls (as both dynamically created script nodes and Ajax calls may return in any order)

However, all of this does not replace the real API, which should

  1. allow me to define only the data bits that I need (and cut down to the smallest possible feed – no twitter, 150kb JSON is not good!)
  2. give me extras when I go through a developer ID. How about offering me free stats (even as an own API) when I build a widget that uses my ID - we do this now to throttle usage anyways. In a second phase this could also be used for a revenue sharing program.
  3. offer things like enforced authentication (you know the photos you don’t want to show your mother)
  4. allow for local caching methods (deliver the data gzipped for example)
  5. allow me access to things that the open REST calls don’t (my sets, my favourites, my contacts, my profile settings)
  6. be read and write – I want to build widgets that allow data entry from my blog to your systems, without leaving it.

Anything else?

It’s all about APIs these days.

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

It is quite cool to see the increase of coverage of the topic of web APIs. It is also very exciting to APIs finally evolving to work across several systems, aggregate and move from a one way stream of retrieving data to an alternative entry point for applications. How cool will it be for example to write reviews for amazon on movie or book sites? Having write APIs would allow us to leverage the knowledge of people on the web at the places they hang out rather than having to lure them into using a web app.

Anyways with this new API interest I had a triple release today: There is a podcast about APIs for .net magazine together with Jeremy Keith, Paul Hammond, Drew McLellan and hosted by Paul Boag, Ajaxian is featuring my ‘hack’ of the Slideshare RSS feed and I uploaded the presentations I gave at the University Hack Day introduction at Dundee, Scotland yesterday.
