Christian Heilmann

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Archive for August, 2008

Yahoo Music API tutorial

Friday, August 29th, 2008

Over at the Yahoo Developer Blog, I just posted a quick tutorial how you can use the Yahoo Music API to show videos of your favourite band in a few dozen lines of JavaScript.


This is a bit of a rough’n’ready way of doing it and I’ll get some more sophisticated examples out there once I gave some feedback to the Music API team :)

YouTube now with captioning support

Friday, August 29th, 2008

We are one step closer to turning online video into a great resource for the hard of hearing or even for non-native speakers to learn languages better. Google just announced support for closed captioning in YouTube videos:

Congratulations, and thank you, YouTube, I personally learnt a lot from captions in TV shows and videos and if that catches on there is nothing from stopping us to crowdsource captioning.

I am nominated for “Standards Champion” in the .net magazine awards

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Over at the .net awards I was just confused to find me in category 13 as a contender for “Standards Champion”.

.net awards 2008

The competition is err… I go and pack:

  • Mozilla
  • Alastair Campbell/Nomensa
  • World Wide Web Consortium
  • Dan Cederholm/Simplebits
  • Christian Heilmann/Yahoo
  • Julie Howell/Fortune Cookie
  • Dave Shea/CSS Zen Garden
  • Eric Meyer
  • Jeffrey Zeldman/A List Apart
  • Molly Holzschlag

Well I’ve got the body of Dave and the hair of Molly (granted more colourful). That should count for something!

Scrabblr – A scrabble calculation/validation API

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

As it is Friday and I am jetlagged I declare “pointless API Friday” and give you Scrabblr.

Scrabblr allows you to send a word to it and it returns the scrabble value or an error in case the word has too many instances of a character than there are tiles available. Output formats are either a simple string (no format defined), XML or JSON. For JSON you also can have a callback parameter to use the API in script nodes.


Accessibility 2.0 Podcasts and Transcriptions available

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

The conference that inspired me to start Scripting Enabled, Accessibility2.0 just released transcripts and audio files of all the presentations, including my “Fencing in the habitat”:

[slideshare id=372843&doc=fencinginthehabitat-1209163055552778-9&w=425]

Thanks to AbilityNet for releasing all the transcripts and offering them for us to enjoy. There were some really good presentations at this event, hope you find something!