TTMMHTM: Bond Mythbusters, security translation, boulevard wordpress and a ten year old tech writer
Monday, January 18th, 2010Things that made me happy this morning:
- Frédéric de Villamil took my security article on Smashingmagazine and translated it into French – merci beaucoup!
- Mythbusters – Bond style is so full of win we need to somehow convince Kari to re-enact it!
- UK’s largest selling evening newspapers Express and Star are powered by WordPress! Want proof? add /wp-admin to the URI.
- Mashable has a great tutorial on how to capture youtube videos
- The world’s most interesting bridges post has some photos of the initial cables for a bridge being shot over to the mountain site with rockets. I wonder who was there to catch them.
- A ten year old writing tech tutorials – shame that he already drowns in spam comments