TTMMHTM: Speaking in Taiwan and Australia
Wednesday, April 15th, 2009Things that made me happy this morning:
- Currently being in Taiwan after a long flight from London via Hongkong (Slumdog Millionaire – win, Memento – win, Marley and me – surprising win, Bolt – looks like put together from recycled other animated movies) and scoring a room on the 35th floor with view of Taipei and 101:
The hotel also is the first one not to have a complimentary bible but a nice novel to read on the bedside table. Today and I will be interviewing with the media. What I was very positively surprised about was that the media wants to chat predominantly about accessibility
! This afternoon and tomorrow and then speaking at two universities about best practices in web development. Check out the cool icons for people attending at the bottom of the page. Saturday there’ll be an open developer evening together with Rasmus Lerdorf.
- Started reading Crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe on the plane which reminds me of The Starfish and the Spider
- Getting ready to go to Australia for the Web Directions Roadshow and speaking next Wednesday in our office in Sydney at the first Yahoo7 Open Session about YQL and other open things full of awesome.
Things found on the intertubes:
- Pulp browsers re-enacts the iconic pulp fiction scene with Safari, Firefox and IE6. Yes, IE6 dies.
- Brothercake gives us 10 cool things we can do once IE6 is dead
- An amazing singer on Britain’s got talent (a rare occasion in itself) shows us that you should never judge a book by its cover.
- Apparently all squeaking doors in old horror movies were really a Chihuahua
- I am not sure if we really needed a chair that sends twitter updates when the person it it farts but the hardware behind it is cool.
- Scott Schiller shows his take on the Digg bar – his numerous manifestiations of a fetish for rubber chicken lately worry me though.