TTMMHTM: 8 bit lego animation, blind phreaker, code collaboration, uk postcodes and SVG for IE
Monday, August 24th, 2009 at 11:24 amThings that made me happy this morning:
- 8 bit trip is a 1500 hour work stop-motion movie with lego bricks.
- James Gibbons collected a great list of assistive technology videos
- Labuat has a wonderful interactive song and ink thing in Flash
- If you need a UK postcode API there is Ernest Maples
- SVGWeb is a wrapper library for SVG that renders MSIE results in Flash
- The boy who heard too much is a very cool story about the blind phreaker “Lil’ hacker”
- The enigma machine in Java is fun to play with
- An attempt at version control for HTML using ins and del elements
- Codepad is much like but also executes and validates the code you share in it
Tags: 8bit, accessibility, animation, assistivetechnology, codepad, collaboration, deskign, enigma, flash, HTML, ie, ink, lego, phreaking, postcodes, screenreaders, security, stopmotion, svg, uk, versioncontrol