TTMMHTM: Apollo 11 source code, Driving directions API, most expensive JavaScript ever,opening a banana the right way
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 at 9:33 amThings that made me happy this morning:
- The source code of the moon landing control programs has been released as open source. Now get soldering and build the hardware in Arduino. I also checked the code and could not find a
call! - MapQuest released their driving directions web service
- AnythingZoomer is a jQuery script that provides you with a little lens to zoom parts of the screen. Nothing new, but potentially useful.
- Open a banana like a monkey is one of those videos that makes you go “why did I do it wrong my whole life?”
- Apparently rounded corners are all the rage in remedy packages – Apple has a lot to answer for, but I like it.
- Moddims is an Apache module that uses ImageMagick to convert pictures on the fly. Great for a thumbnail API.
- Make magazine has a cool EeePC hardware notifier hack that embeds an LED into the casing which flashes in different colours depending on you getting an IM, an email or a Tweet.
- IBM has a long and detailed article on using jQuery with JSON-P
- Opera’s Hallvord shows us the most expensive line of JavaScript ever
Tags: api, apollo11, bananas, browsersniffing, design, directions, eeepc, imagemagick, jquery, jsonp, landing, led, make, mapquest, moddims, moon, nasa, notifier, opensource, Opera, pills, sourcecode, trick, zoom