Christian Heilmann

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Archive for September, 2016

Quick tip: using modulo to re-start loops without the need of an if statement

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

the more you know

A few days ago Jake Archibald posted a JSBin example of five ways to center vertically in CSS to stop the meme of “CSS is too hard and useless”. What I found really interesting in this example is how he animated showing the different examples (this being a CSS demo, I’d probably would’ve done a CSS animation and delays, but he wanted to support OldIE, hence the use of className instead of classList):

var els = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var showing = 0;
setInterval(function() {
  // this is easier with classlist, but meh:
  els[showing].className = els[showing].className.replace(' active', '');
  showing = (showing + 1) % 5;
  els[showing].className += ' active';
}, 4000);

The interesting part to me here is the showing = (showing + 1) % 5; line. This means that if showing is 4 showing becomes 0, thus starting the looping demo back from the first example. This is the remainder operator of JavaScript, giving you the remaining value of dividing the first value with the second. So, in the case of 4 + 1 % 5, this is zero.

Whenever I used to write something like this, I’d do an if statement, like:

if (showing === 5) { showing = 0; }

Using the remainder seems cleaner, especially when instead of the hard-coded 5, you’d just use the length of the element collection.

var els = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var all = els.length;
var c = 'active';
var showing = 0;
setInterval(function() {
  showing = (showing + 1) % all;
}, 4000);

A neat little trick to keep in mind.

JavaScript aus ist nicht das Problem – Vortrag beim Frontend Rhein Main Meetup

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Vor ein paar Tagen war ich zu Gast bei AOE in Wiesbaden um beim Frontend Rhein-Main meetup über die Gefahren von ueberspitzter Kritik an JavaScript zu sprechen. Dieser Vortrag wird auch bald auf Englisch erhältlich sein.

Chris beim Vortragen

Das Video des Vortrags ist von AOE schon fertig editiert und auf YouTube zu finden:

Die (englischen) Slides sind auf Slideshare:

Progressive web and the problem of JavaScript from Christian Heilmann

Eine Vorschau auf den ganzen Talk gab es von mir auch auf der SmashingConf Freiburg Jam Session, und der Screencast davon (schreiend, auf Englisch) ist auch auf YouTube:

Sowohl AOE als auch die UserGruppe haben ueber den Abend gebloggt.

Es war ein netter Abend, und obschon ich dachte es wäre das zehnjährige Jubiläum und nicht das zehnte Meetup hat sichs gelohnt, nach der SmashingConf und vor dem A-Tag in Wiesbaden vorbei zu kommen. Vor allem auch, weil Patricia Kuchen gebacken hat und nun ganz wild JavaScript lernt!

Help making the fourth industrial revolution less scary

Monday, September 26th, 2016

Last week I spent in Germany at an event sponsored by the government agency for unemployment covering the issue of digitalisation of the job market and the subsequential loss of jobs.

me, giving a keynote on machine learning and work

When the agency approached me to give a keynote on the upcoming “fourth industrial revolution” and what machine learning and artificial intelligence means for the job market I was – to put it mildly – bricking it. All the other presenters at the event had several doctor titles and were professors of this and that. And here I was, being asked to deliver the “future” to an audience of company owners, university professors and influential people who decide the employment fate of thousands of people.

Expert Panel

I went into hermit mode and watched, read and translated dozens of videos and articles on AI and the work environment. In the end, I took a more detailed look at the conference schedule and realised that most of the subject matter data will be covered by the presenter before me.

Thus I delivered a talk covering the current situation of AI and what it means for us as job seekers and employers. The slides and screencast are in German, but I am looking forward to translating them and maybe deliver them in a European frame soon.

The slide deck is on Slideshare, and even without knowing German, you should get the gist:

Zwischen Terminator und Star Trek: Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz from Christian Heilmann

The screencast is on YouTube:

The feedback was overwhelming and humbling. I got interviewed by the local TV station where I mostly deflected all the negative and defeatist attitude towards artificial intelligence the media loves to portrait.

tv interview

I also got a half page spread in the local newspaper where – to the amusement of my friends – I was touted a “fascinating prophet”.

Newspaper article

During the expert panel on digital security I had a few interesting encounters. Whilst in general it felt tough to see how inflexible and outdated some of the attitudes of companies towards computers were, there is a lot of innovation happening even in rural areas. I was especially impressed with the state of robots in warehouses and the investment of the European Union in Blockchain solutions and security research.

One thing I am looking forward to is working with a cybersecurity centre in the area giving workshops on social engineering and security of iOT.

A few things I learned and I’d like you to also consider:

  • We are at the cusp – if not in the middle of – a new digital revolution
  • Our job as people in the know is to reach out to those who are afraid of it and give out sensible information as a counter point to some of the fearmongering of the press
  • It is incredibly rewarding to go out of our comfort zone and echo chamber and talk to people with real business and social change issues. It humbles you and makes you wonder just how you ended up knowing all that we do.
  • The good social aspects of our jobs could be a blueprint for other companies to work and change to be resilient towards replacement by machines
  • German is hard :)

So, be brave, offer to present at places not talking about the latest flavour of JavaScript or CSS preprocessing. The world outside our echo chamber needs us.

Or as the interrupters put it: What’s your plan for tomorrow?