Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘publication’

A few HTML5 questions that need answering

Monday, February 14th, 2011

I just released the notes of my “Using HTML5 sensibly” talk over on the Mozilla hacks blog and there are a few questions that need answering by anyone who wants to be part of publishing on the web in the future:

  • Can innovation be based on “people never did this correctly anyways”?
  • Is it HTML or BML? (HyperText Markup Language or Browser Markup Language)
  • Should HTML be there only for browsers? What about conversion Services? Search bots? Content scrapers?
  • Should we shoe-horn new technology into legacy browsers?
  • Do patches add complexity as we need to test their performance? (there is no point in giving an old browser functionality that simply looks bad or grinds it down to a halt)
  • How about moving IE fixes to the server side? Padding with DIVs with classes in PHP/Ruby/Python after checking the browser and no JS for IE?
  • Can we expect content creators to create video in many formats to support an open technology?
  • Can a service like be trusted for content creation and storage?
  • Is HTML5 not applicable for premium content?

Check the detailed notes on the Mozilla blog, and – as a reminder – here are the slides and the video of the talk:

You can get the slides on Slideshare or see them here:

You can see “Using HTML5 sensibly” on any HTML5 enabled device here (courtesy of