Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘pechakucha’

Love what you do and they will listen – my Pecha Kucha talk for Webdirections East in Tokyo

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

In a few hours Web Directions East in Tokyo will kick off with a Pecha Kucha presentation night. This means that every speaker gets to show 20 slides in 20 seconds each (I first thought the whole presentation was 20 seconds) and it is all good fun and speedy. Here are my slides that I will show as I am not speaking at the conference – I will be just a booth babe. Eye candy, so to say.


  1. I am Chris and my job is to make developers happy.
  2. I travel the world talking to people about simple solutions to big problems.
  3. And I love my job.
  4. To me, the web is not about sites and code.
  5. It is about information – data.
  6. The web is full of great information and tools that help us deal with information.
  7. All we need is a simple way to reach that information.
  8. And remix it.
  9. Once we have the data we can build great interfaces that help everyone to consume that data.
  10. All this needs passion.
  11. And collaboration.
  12. When we all – world-wide – work together towards the same goals, our job is easy.
  13. This means re-using what other people have done.
  14. This is not cheating – on the contrary, it is a cleverer way of dealing with a problem that we all have.
  15. Using systems that have proven to work means they can be constantly upgraded and secured.
  16. Working together on systems that by make it easier and more secure to use our products protects our users.
  17. So before you build something, look around what was already done and can be re-used.
  18. If you build something, give it out for free.
  19. You will reach more people like you and get feedback on improvements that you had no idea about.
  20. Together we can build the future, each on our own can create a nice present.