Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘natekoechley’

Must-See-Videos: Nate Koechley on Professional Front-End engineering

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

I’ve just finished watching Nate Koechley’s talk on professional Front-End Engineering on the YDN Theater:

Nate Koechley: "Professional Frontend Engineering" @ Yahoo! Video

You can download the m4v for your ipod and read the transcription on Eric Miraglia’s blog.

I’ve seen Nate give this talk before in a shorter version at @media in London, but this version has the whole story from what frontend engineering is, over technologies and methodologies to use and avoid up to a very compelling argument why it all matters.

So if you can spare an hour and a half (or chunk it over two workout sessions in the gym like I did) go and watch this video before you start flaming on mailing lists, forums or flat out tell people that it doesn’t matter when something is incomprehensible or works by magic – as long as it works.

Thanks Nate for a great encapsulation of the whole frontend matter in one video.