TTMHTM: The future of NASA 70s style, Microsoft Songsmith and why Starscream should be sacked by Megatron
Monday, January 12th, 2009- Basted Tetris – A Tetris version that analyzes the playfield and denies you the best possible next piece. I dare you to finish one line!
- Franklyn is a flick to forward to it seems. God, Eva Green is beautiful.
- Google soon releasing a nice paper on social media security
- I am near finds things near to you – with FireEagle support (cats for example)
- NASA shows artist depictions of space stations from the 1970ies
- How to build a social media cheat sheet – as explained by read/write web (they also used the Swedish Chef and the Chocolate Moose like I did in Sweden)
- Five reasons Megatron should have fired Starscream years ago has actually some good ideas on how to defuse bad situations in the office.
- Microsoft’s Songsmith Ad brings awkward to another level – actually the research team stars in the video! It reminds me a lot of Cinco Midi Organizer