TTMMHTM: Snowmen of Horror, cleaner JS and CSS, Crayola colours and relationship finder (and some bling)
Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 at 10:22 am- Calvin and Hobbes’ Snowmen of Horror in real life (thanks to @flocke)
- The Shiba Inu Puppy Cam is back
- The JavaScript unpacker and beautifier helps with your view-source issues, so does its CSS beautifier counterpart.
- A nice overview of Crayola colours 1903 – 2010 – seems like the amount of colours doubles every 28 years.
- TechCrunch finally started pimping bling, subsequently crashing the site that sells bling versions of your twitter name. I wait for the collectible plates and the Michael Arrington action figure with awesome sentences like “I have confidential Twitter documents”.
- RelFinder is a pretty awesome relationship finder and visualisation in dbpedia.
- Anonymous Geek is annoyed that people don’t put a date on their articles. He is right – I already mentioned the same in the developer evangelism handbook.
Tags: beautify, crayons, css, javascript, relationships, semanticweb, techcrunch