Scripting Enabled at @mediaAjax 2008
Monday, September 15th, 2008 at 11:44 amI am right now at @media Ajax 2008 getting ready to go on stage to deliver my “Scripting Enabled” talk, explaining how the main issue about accessibility is that we just don’t talk enough to each other. Technology is never really the boundary we have with accessibility, it is that we don’t understand how people work and what technology is capable of.
[slideshare id=598740&doc=atmediaajaxscriptingenabled-1221470402418982-9&w=425]
Links in the presentation
- Hack injecting lang attributes into twitter feeds, looping them through the Google translation API
- Presentation of accessibility hacks that are in use on Yahoo sites
- Yahoo Live
- Yahoo Live deaf chatroom
- Antonia Hyde’s presentation on learning disabilities and online video
- Easy YouTube
- Yahoo Video – turn JavaScript on and off
- Timed captioning hack for YouTube
- Annotations hack for YouTube
- SoundManager2
- JavaScript Karaoke Engine
- JW Player
- JW Player with Audio descriptions and captions
- Access Enabling Ajax
- WebVisum
- IBM’s social accessibility project
- Scripting Enabled
Tags: @media, @mediaaajax08, @mediaAjax, accessibility, atmediaaax08, atmediaajax, communication, flash, interaction, javascript