Christian Heilmann

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Archive for July, 2006

Preview of a plugin I will submit to the Yahoo! Developer Gallery soon

Saturday, July 15th, 2006

I’d like to get some feedback on an idea for a plugin I developed for the Yahoo! Messenger.

My idea was to collate all the different search services I am using day by day into one plugin to save me the time to open several tabs when a contact asks a question.

I’ve uploaded the screenshots as a Flickr stream and would be happy to hear if you’d consider this worth while, and – more importantly, if there is anything else that would be cool and sensible to add.

Before you go nuts about “add this and that”, make sure that you can also provide an API I can use (in JavaScript / REST based) to get the results.

Some other options I thought about and discarded:

  • Audio search (as it is two steps with the Y! API)
  • Shopping search (what for, without localisation)
  • Local search & (for the same reason)

Thoughts? Either comment on flickr or here.

Web Standards Group Meeting London

Saturday, July 15th, 2006

As some people asked me for them yesterday at the Web Standards Group Meetup London here are my slides on Maintainable JavaScript.

I took some out as they don’t make much sense without me monkeying around on stage and the others will be in the podcast that’ll be out some time later. I didn’t have any notes, but ad-libbed the lot so that’s all there is.

Thinkvitamin will release an article next week on the subject which will be a lot more hands-on and tell you what you can do to make your JavaScript more maintainable.

It was a lot of fun, and I hope to see some of the people I met at the next meeting. A big thanks to Stuart for organising and endangering all participants by allowing me on stage. Check out the flickr stream to see the crowd.

I’ve got a book you don’t have

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

but you can get now!

Beginning JavaScript with DOM scripting and Ajax

Web standards are not important?

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

Au contraire, as Googlefight proves.

Googlefight screenshot showing that there are more search results for web standards than for porn

Smugpanel – show the world who links to you

Friday, July 7th, 2006

Are you quite proud about the amount of people linking to your site?

If you are, be smug about it and show it to the world, using a Smugpanel

Demo of a smugpanel

Simply put a JavaScript in the HEAD of the document, customise it to your smug-URL, add a smug DIV and anyone can see who links to you.