Things Web Developers can learn from craftsmen part 1
Saturday, December 31st, 2005I spent Christmas at my parents’ and went through some of the old paperwork to see what can be ditched. One of the contracts I found dated 1996 and was my application to start a web design business.
I remember clearly that back then the government agency dealing with new businesses asking me if “web design” is a craft, and if what I am doing is weaving nets in a beautiful manner. While that left me speechless back then I realize now that there is a lot craftsmen and old trades can teach us as web developers.
I jobbed a lot as a bricklayer, painter and plumber amongst other things and learnt one thing pretty soon:
Although you think you are dead clever and the people you have to work with might not be your cup of tea when it comes to enlightenment about equality or politics – in their area of expertise you can learn a lot from them and you know less than they do. A lot of times higher school education leaves us with a lot of knowledge, but not much practical thinking. Simply by listening you can prevent making an idiot out of yourself or work hard without getting the job done. (more…)