Christian Heilmann

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Archive for February, 2005

Interesting liquid layout

Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

I just looked at the new Rammstein web site and was quite impressed by the way it deals with different browser sizes. Resize your browser window to see what I mean. Nicely done, that.

Printing background images

Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

One of our clients complained that our print stylesheet doesn’t work as the backgrounds don’t get printed.
This is a setting of the browser, not a CSS issue. In MSIE, it is part of the Advanced Options of the Internet Settings:
printing backgrounds in MSIE
In Firefox, it is an option in the File – Page Setup dialogue:
printing backgrounds in Firefox all new, all shiny

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005

Microsoft seem to feel some of the pressure web standard and accessibility awareness created, and published a new version of that does not use any tables for layout. While there are still a lot of validation errors, and it gives the impression that CSS-P needs to be blander than table layouts (they ditched a lot of images and screen furniture), it is nice to see Microsoft at least try to follow a standard they haven’t established.

Captchas cracked

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

Generally the safest way to ensure real humans enter data are so called captchas (Completely Automated Public Turing-Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart – distorted pictures with words in them you are asked to read and type in). Now, these are not only an accessibility issue (how would a blind user type them in?), but clever spammers found a way around them, using free porn and gullible people.

Dynamic Galleries with DOM and CSS – new article on devarticles.

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

A new article describes how to create dynamic galleries with DOM and CSS. Read the version, or if you dislike ads, the local copy.