Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘londonajax’

Using HTML5 sensibly and Multimedia on the web – speaking at the London Ajax Meetup

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Yesterday night I spoke at the London Ajax Meetup about Multimedia on the web (a repeat of my MIT talk as I wanted a video of it) and “Using HTML5” sensibly.

Especially the second talk was close to my heart as I think it is high time us developers take back HTML5 from the marketing people. HTML5 is the evolution of our web technologies, not another flashy add-on to already badly used outdated practices.

You can find the Slides of the talk on Slideshare:

The audio recording of the talk is also available on

The organisers promised that the video of the talks is available soon.

I am also going to write a detailed post on Mozilla once the video is available.