Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘idiots’

Don’t click this – a clickjacking experiment currently hammering twitter

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Reverse psychology is an interesting thing. Currently Twitter is being hammered by thousands of people twittering about a page that has a button that tells them not to click it. Why do they do it? Because they are told not to. How come they are twittering about it? A small thing called clickjacking.

Scott Schiller shows in a screenshot how the trick works:

The page with the don’t click button actually has an iframe over the button that loads your page with the predefined tweet about going to the site. The iframe also positions your update button to cover the “don’t click this” button and has an opacity of 0 so you do submit your tweet without knowing it.

The scam works. If you currently check twitter search for “don’t click” then you’ll have an amazing amount of fresh tweets every few seconds. There’s also a French version in the wild

So if you get the tweet, don’t follow the page. If you see a button to click, be very wary of what is going on there!