Christian Heilmann

Dev Digest 118 – Not a total recall

June 3rd, 2024

OpenAI playing nice, Google giving terrible advice, Microsoft’s spyware and lots to learn from excellent books and tutorials.News and ArticlesThe Doge meme dog died and we wonder what this does to the crypto market.ICQ shuts down, and all the numbers in pirated Blink182 MP3s don’t make any sense any longer.OpenAI tries to play nice and […]

About yesterday’s European Song Contest 2024

May 12th, 2024

Yesterday was the final of Eurovision. Lots of people use this as an opportunity to post pictures of dead babies. I get it, we live in pretty rough times. But the ESC is not an official European vote, or political platform. So how about we concentrate on the real elections going on. We have enough […]

Dev Digest Issue 115 – password beefstew is not Strog/|n0FF

May 12th, 2024

Friday I released Issue 115 of the WeAreDevelopers Dev Digest Newsletter This time you learn how AI changes how code is taught, cryptography, the history of passwords, how the internet is declining and you can play Super Mario on a type writer. News and Articles Some cool new things to try out: The Netlify Image […]

New CODE100 challenge: #BuntStattBraun

March 29th, 2024

I just released a new CODE100 challenge- can you tell how many of these hearts are brown from a list of brown colours and the HTML source? README and code Gist Codepen See the Pen #BuntStattBraun CODE100 challenge by Christian Heilmann (@codepo8) on CodePen. Next week’s solution will also have a “making of”.