TTMMHTM: Meaning of love, Windows 3.11, geeky decor and my dates in the valley so far
Monday, January 25th, 2010 at 10:33 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- What love means to a 4-8 year old contains some wonderful quotes
- Windows 3.11 in DHTML – gee all the pain and suffering comes back to me now.
- What everybody needs to know about SVG right now is a good primer on open, XML based vector goodness.
- Home decor for absolute geeks has a lot of things full of win
- Every time I travel, I see kids with Trunkis in London – I want one in my size!
- Tomorrow is a Mozilla Labs Meetup in Mountain view and tonight Douglas Crockford is talking about the history of JavaScript – I’ll be at both.
- Sergey Brin’s homepage at Stanford does not only feature an awesome image applet – no, it also shows that he stayed in the Gates building :)
- Today I will earn my Coffee drinking badge
Tags: badge, coffee, cute, decor, dhtml, geeks, Google, kids, labs, love, meetup, mozilla, sergeybrin, trunki, windows3.11