TTMMHTM: Monitoring the web, Synth Britania, charting the Beatles and htc performance
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 at 8:29 am- Charting the beatles are wonderful visualisations of the work of the Beatles – who wrote what with whom and so on.
- As some other trip got cancelled, I will be able to speak at Speaking out – public speaking made easy on the 10th of February in London.
- The script of they live by John Carpenter – not as much impact as the movie, but still cool
- The Paypal UK About Us page is all Daily Prophet – wait for a bit. I tweeted about this yesterday and caused a spike that worried their admins as @smashingmag did a re-tweet.
- Down for everyone or just me checks if a site is available and the issue is on your end. API Status does the same for APIs.
- Codingforums has a good post on performance of .htc files consider this before “fixing IE”.
- Synth Britania is a series of documentaries of UK Synth Music. F T W
- Bear vs. Plane shows just once more the awesome of duct-tape.
- The 42nd annual industry happy magic awards – the internet Golden Globe only with fewer Ricky Gervais jokes.
Tags: apis, beatles, ducttape, fixingie, htc, performance, speaking, status, synth, visualisation, webmonitoring