TTMMHTM: Alt attributes, social media tips, security and Germans vs. IE
Saturday, January 16th, 2010 at 12:57 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- Esteemed colleague Ian Pouncey has a nice little write-up on alt attributes – they are not alt tags, learn it!
- Three things you need to know about social media strategy has it down to a T.
- Security in web applications starts like a pretty obvious talk but has some very good examples in it.
- Should you use JavaScript CDNs is a short review of it really being worth it – it is missing the amount of YUI delivered from though.
- Apparently the German government is telling people to stop using IE because of project Aurora (official message in German)
- Ever wondered what current movie titles would look like as Atari games covers?
- Afterdawn are discussing the value of digital copies of movies – well, there’s always free tools for conversion, too.
Tags: atari, cdn, digitalcopy, ie, javascript, retro, security