TTMMHTTM: Twitter coaching, twitter backlash, MP expenses crowdsourced, YQL for, colour checking and Pixar win
Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 5:03 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- is also an acronym for No Bullshit please
- Microsoft released a whitepaper for webmasters and publishers about Bing – nothing earth shattering in there, but a nice service. I like that you can have a meta tag to suppress Bing taking preview shots:
- Laughing Squid did a nice parody of a “twitter coach” web site aptly called Social Media Douchebag
- Beware of what you do on twitter, think of Peter Hoekstra stooped down to compare and getting an awesome Twitter heckling
- The Guardian trailblaze once again with an awesome crowdsourced analysis of MP expenses application – great stuff.
- On the topic of government data and remixing, YQL now has open tables for
- Want a Palm Pre but all you have is an iPhone? Just add this skin
- I thought I am bored with maps mashups, but this Live Marine Traffic visualization has a lot of win
- Check my colours is a beutiful colour contrast analyzer
- This made me happy and very sad at the same time: Pixar grants girl’s dying wish to see ‘Up’ by bringing a DVD around
Tags: bing, expenses, guardian, microsoft, mps, pixar, ttmmhtm, up, yql