Christian Heilmann

Newsmap – using Placemaker to add geo location to a news feed

Friday, May 22nd, 2009 at 1:42 am

I am right now very excited about the new Placemaker beta – a location extraction web service released at Where2.0. Using Placemaker you can find all the geographical locations in a feed or a text or a web url and you get them back as an array of places.

As a demo I took the Yahoo News feed and ran it through Placemaker. The resulting places are plotted on a map and the map moves from location to location when you hover over the news items.

The result is online at

Yahoo News Map by  you.

Getting the data from the data feed and running it through placemaker is very straight forward. I explained the basic principle in this blog post on the Yahoo Developer Network blog. The only thing to think about is to define the input and output types correctly:

$apiendpoint = ‘’;
$url = ‘’;
$inputType = ‘text/rss’;
$outputType = ‘rss’;
$post = ‘appid=’.$key.’&documentURL=’.$url.
$ch = curl_init($apiendpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$results = curl_exec($ch);

If you look at the source of this example you will find that Placemaker injected contentlocation elements in the feed itself:

xmlns:georss=”” xmlns:cl=””
xmlns:xml=”” xml:lang=”en”>







Guantanamo, CU]]>

You’ll also notice that the elements are namespaced and the names of the locations in CDATA blocks, both things I hate with a passion. Not because they don’t make sense, but because simplexml can be drag to make understand them.

What I wanted to do with this data was twofold: create a JSON array of geo locations to plot on a map and a display of the news content. This is the PHP that does that:

$places = simplexml_load_string($results, ‘SimpleXMLElement’,
// if there are elements found
// start a JSON array
$output .= ‘[‘;
// start the HTML output
$html = ‘‘;

The result of this can be seen here

The JavaScript to show the map is pretty straight forward and more or less the demo example of the maps API:

// will be called with the array assembled in PHP
function placeonmap(o){
// if there are locations
if(o.length > 0){
// create a new geopoints array to hold all locations
// this is needed to determine the original zoom
// level of the map
var geopoints = [];
// add map with controls
var map = new YMap(document.getElementById(‘map’));
// loop over locations
for(var i=0;i // define a new geopoint and store it in the array
var point = new YGeoPoint(o[i].lat,o[i].lon);
// create a new marker and give it the unique
// id defined in the PHP. Pop up the title of
// the news item and the name of the location when the
// user hovers over the marker
var newMarker = new YMarker(point,o[i].id);
newMarker.addAutoExpand(o[i].title + ‘(‘+o[i].name+’)’);

// define best zoom level and show map
var zac = map.getBestZoomAndCenter(geopoints);

// add a mouseover handler to the list of results
// remove the “news” text of the ID of the current target
// as we named the list items news0 to news19
var id = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e).id.replace(‘news’,’‘);
// if there is still something left we have one of the news
// items
// get the first marker with the ID we defined in the loop.
var marker = map.getMarkerObject(‘m’+id+’x0’);
// if there is one, pan the map there and show the message
// attached to it.


// call placeonmap with the JSON array

That’s pretty much it. I am sure it can be refined, but it is amazing how easy it is to get geo information into any text with Placemaker.

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