TTMMHTM: Dazzle audiences, love audiences, cool data from the guardian and Opera WSC
Friday, March 6th, 2009 at 7:21 pmThings that made me happy this morning
- OmniDazzle is a tool for Mac that allows you to show a visual clue where your mouse pointer is. Great for live presentations of systems.
- Opera released JavaScript best practices my final article for the Opera Web Standards curriculum JavaScript section
- Seth Godin explains the two elements of a great presenter, respect from the audience and love for the audience
- The Guardian newspaper in the UK has some cool data to mash-up available for us
- The Mime on twitter – well if you haven’t got anything to say…
- Dasher is an interesting concept of an interface to quickly enter text without using a keyboard:
Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures. Dasher is a competitive text-entry system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used – for example, when operating a computer one-handed, by joystick, touchscreen, trackball, or mouse; when operating a computer with zero hands (i.e., by head-mouse or by eyetracker); on a palmtop computer; on a wearable computer.
The eyetracking version of Dasher allows an experienced user to write text as fast as normal handwriting – 29 words per minute; using a mouse, experienced users can write at 39 words per minute.
Dasher can be used to write efficiently in any language.
Tags: accessibility, dasher, presentations, text entry