TTMMHTM – ZooBorns, Colleague book win, Browser Security and vintage parkours
Sunday, December 14th, 2008 at 2:05 amThings that made me happy this morning (well technically it is morning and the aftermath of the BBC party):
- ZooBorns is a blog about newly born animals in zoos around the world – instant win (via Simon Willison of course)
- My esteemed Austrian colleague who now moved to the valley Klaus Komenda had his university thesis published as a book well done my friend (I should write another one – itching)
- Talking of books, Google released a CC licensed wiki/book on browser security cheers for that big G!
- If you thought Casino Royale was the first big movie to feature awesome parkours scenes (OK, the running through the wall was an easy way out – shame on you Daniel), check out this 1930 footage of a parkours-style running and climbing oddball
- If you really want to impress the ladies, make sure to wear a life size Link/Zelda paper hat – also a great idea for the next meeting in the office.
- Three people at the BBC Backstage party telling me independently that they love TTMMHTM - I never knew it’d be a success.
Also, a great reminder that you should ask to be able to get:
Tags: animals, browser, cute, klauskommenda, nintendo, parkours, security, zelda