Christian Heilmann

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Archive for September, 2005

Blimey, you do like your tables, eh?

Friday, September 9th, 2005

The statistics of the first week CSS table gallery The CSS Tables Gallery is now online for the first week, and I am pretty speechless as to the success it has been. The statistics show that on average about 5800 people clicked the gallery and added up to 22000 hits.

The server, donated by NWU in Germany, had 3.2GB of traffic in the first 9 days of this month, compared to 4.6GB in the whole of August. (more…)

addEvent recoding contest

Thursday, September 8th, 2005

We all love Scott Andrew’s addEvent and how unobtrusive it allows us to add and remove event handlers from and to elements. But now things have turned sour and Peter Paul Koch gathers the forces of good to come up with a better solution:

I just launched the “addEvent() recoding contest”:, aimed at producing a new
version of Scott Andrew’s addEvent() and removeEvent() functions.

Script away!

Why good programmers are lazy and dumb

Thursday, September 8th, 2005

Philipp Lenssen of google blogoscope has published a while ago truth I had known for a long time now Good programmers are lazy and dumb. I keep telling my developers that you don’t impress me by staying in the office late, you impress me by doing the 8 hour job in 6 hours with proper documentation. Then you can go home for all I care.

Most of my development happens because I don’t want to repeat things. EasyCMS was built to allow me quick changes to a prototype, EasyNav to allow clients using contribute to edit the navigation.

More table tricks: Collapsible Tables with DOM

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

collapsible tables with DOM Working with Mint I was missing an option to collapse the different panes when I don’t want to read them.

Some hacking later, I wrote a script that automatically allows you to collapse and expand a table by activating its footer. As a visual indicator, the script adds an image to the footer (this also allows keyboard access).

It is a work in progress and I need your help to fix it for Opera and get rid of a weird Firefox issue.

See the collapsible tables demo

Going Minty

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

Shaun Inman's Mint Shaun Inman is not only a well known blogger and developer who recently put my pathetic efforts in generating CSS constants to shame with his server side CSS constants , no he also developed a very much blogosphere-hyped stats tool called Mint, which is available at

Enthusiastic, as I was, I signed up for the preview and demo just to realise that is database seems to have gone boom. This was a bit of a shame, as I dislike buying cats inside the bag. However, this pussy purrs very much and one painless install later I have Mint running on The recent success of the CSS Table Gallery made my former free counter from not free any longer (more than 9000 hits/day), and I considered to go for Mint instead of dashing out a monthly upgrade (I bought one now, though).

Now, as you can see in the Mint screenshot it is a beauty and gives very much the information you want. However, statscounter does a lot more, including user paths, browser, OS, resolution information and which country your visitors are from.

With Mint being a no-nonsense approach and an extendable architecture I am looking forward to more bits to come. Job well done for now!