Christian Heilmann

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Archive for July, 2024

Interaction bait is killing social media

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

AI:generate a cool header image that will make people really want to read this

OK, I’m going to say it: interaction bait is killing social media. You know what I’m talking about. Those posts that are designed to get you to comment, like, or share. They’re everywhere, and they’re getting more and more annoying.

I never cared much about timelines. Almost all my social media interaction is posting things, and answering people who commented. Or direct messages. People I follow are creators, makers and people I worked with and respect for what they published over the years.

However, I see the same pattern in my timeline. People are posting things that are clearly designed to get a reaction. And it’s not just the posts themselves that are annoying. It’s the fact that they’re so obviously designed to manipulate me into interacting with them. I wouldn’t mind if it was a genuine question or a conversation starter. But it’s not. It’s just a ploy to boost engagement.

Here’s a quick list of what just clogged up my timeline:

  • “What’s your biggest tech hot take?”
  • “How many lines is too many?”
  • “Kanban or scrum?”
  • “Anyone still actually using GitHub Copilot?”
  • “As a developer what feels illegal but isn’t?”
  • “vim or emacs?”
  • “If Chuck Noris was a programmer what language would he use?”
  • “vim or nano?”
  • “How do you exit vim?”
  • “Do you actually write tests for your code?”
  • “How many columns is too many for a database table?”
  • “Do you take part in hackathons?”
  • “Are you a Linux fan?”
  • “Progress over perfection?”

These are not taken out of context – these are genuinely the full posts. Many by people who I interviewed in the past, saw as presenters at conferences, watched their tutorials and read their articles.

All of the above questions are – well, let’s not mince words – horseshit. There is no genuine interest in the answers. It’s just a ploy to get people to interact. And it’s working. People are falling for it left and right.

How many more times do we have to repeat the “joke” that people find it hard to exit VIM? How many more times do we have to have the amazing “vim or emacs” debate? How many more times do we have to pretend “spaces or tabs” does still matter? How often have you seen a post today that showed windows XP and asked you “you are old, but are you that old?”. To me, XP was a revelation after suffering 3.11, 95, 98 and NT, so, yes, and fuck you for mistaking ageism for humour.

I get it. Social media is all about engagement. But there’s a fine line between encouraging interaction and being downright manipulative. And I think a lot of people who know better have crossed that line to feed Elon Musk’s addiction machine.

To show just how piss-easy it is to flood your own timeline with this, I opened the Microsoft Edge Copilot panel and asked:

Generate a list of one line questions about technology that will get a lot of attention and interaction on social media.

Here’s what it gave me:

  • “What’s one technology you’re really excited about for the future?”
  • “If you could have one futuristic gadget right now, what would it be?”
  • “What’s your biggest hope for the next decade?” 1
  • “What’s the most underrated tech gadget you own?”
  • “If you could invent a new app, what problem would it solve?”
  • “What’s the weirdest tech glitch you’ve ever encountered?”
  • “iOS or Android? Why?”
  • “What’s the best tech tip you’ve learned recently?”
  • “Is privacy dead in the age of smart devices?”
  • “Should AI have legal rights?”
  • “Are self-driving cars safer than human drivers?”
  • “Is social media making us more connected or more isolated?”
  • “Should we regulate tech companies more aggressively?”
  • “Is cryptocurrency the future of finance?”
  • “Should we be worried about the impact of 5G on our health?”
  • “What’s your take on the ‘right to repair’ movement?”
  • “Are smart homes making us lazier?”
  • “Will quantum computing revolutionize our world?”
  • “Is social media addiction a real problem?”
  • “Should AI be used in decision-making processes?”
  • “What’s the most overhyped tech trend?”
  • “Do you trust facial recognition technology?”
  • “Is virtual reality the next big thing?”
  • “Should robots have emotions?”
  • “What’s the dark side of automation?”
  • “Is open-source software always better?”
  • “Will AI replace human jobs?”
  • “What’s the future of cybersecurity?”
  • “Is there such a thing as too much screen time?”
  • “Should we fear the rise of deepfake technology?”
  • “What’s the most useless tech gadget you’ve encountered?”
  • “Is privacy an illusion in the digital age?”
  • “What’s the next big breakthrough in tech?”

Looks familiar? Go and use them, add a script and post away. Hooray engagement, hooray social media!

So what can we do about it? Well, for starters, we can stop engaging with interaction bait. If you see a post that’s clearly just trying to get you to comment, like, or share, don’t give in to the temptation. Instead, call it out for what it is: a cheap ploy for engagement.

And if you’re the person, maybe it’s time to rethink your social media strategy. Instead of relying on interaction bait to boost your engagement, try creating content that’s actually valuable and interesting to your audience. Trust me, they’ll appreciate it.

In the end, social media is supposed to be a place where we can connect with others and share interesting content. Let’s not let interaction bait ruin that experience.

Hot take: social platforms should disallow special character growth hacking

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Over the last few years something magical has happened without much fanfare: social media platforms and operating systems automatically translate text content for us. Having spent a lot of time traveling around conferences, I amassed a lot of people I follow who do not speak or write like me. And whilst it was fun following them, it was annoying not to know what they are talking about.

So, if a post is in another language or even in another glyph set, I can use inline translation or browser translation to make it understandable – excellent.

Things went awry though when people realised that UTF-8 has a lot of glyphs that look like other characters. Whilst this was a internet in-joke for a while – starting on IRC - it has become a “growth hacking” tactic. I repeatedly come across posts like these:

An example post on LinkedIn using lots of special characters and emoji to highlight parts of the text.

This, together with the over-use of emoji seems to be what a lot of growth experts tell people to stand out. Sure they look fancy, but in the first instance, they don’t automatically trigger the translation link offer.

If you put in the extra effort to copy and paste these messages, Google translate fails to give a good result. Bing does a good job with it but is limited to a certain amount of characters. Microsoft Edge’s in-built translation works OK.

Google translate failing to translate the headlines and garbling the long message in special characters

Bing translate recognising the special characters as the ones they should represent and giving a sensible translation

However, if you use a screen reader (and no, that’s not only fully blind people), you get absolute nonsense as shown in this video.

The text in this post gets spoken as:

Semicolon – that is a sentence for eternity from Elon Musk Smiling Face with Sunglasses. Is that thinking face? No, that is suprised face with open mouth! Speaker outputting high volume. Serious face with monocle. That seems to be a clear statement but the reality in Tesla is different.

Ironically, using an image instead of these UTF-8 shenanigans and providing a proper alt text would work for screen readers and even some translation software.

Ever since I started with the web people made the mistake of painting with text. The power of the web is that text can be converted, indexed and made accessible to others. When you garble your message to achieve a certain look or stand out in a busy timeline, you block out quite a lot of people who further down the line could become important multipliers or customers.

And it is not clever and comes across as trying too hard.

It also can’t be in the interest of the platform to support this, as it does make content harder to index and search. It’s a classic case of a “clever hack” that in the end makes the implementer look like a fool and the end users suffer.

Dev Digest 122 – Cracks in the polyfill

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Comic image of a cracked wall with lots of tools in front of it

Hello and join me to learn about removing malicious code, what the web is up to and why there are some cool new careers in AI.

News and articles

First things first: if you use delete it immediately from your server! The – by now pretty unnecessary library – has been acquired and is used in a supply chain attack that affected 100K+ sites injecting malware. This has been warned about some time ago by the original creator, but now it hit the fan.

In a related discussion, Tim Perry deemed public CDNs as “useless and dangerous” and Sung Kim thinks programmers should not trust anyone including themselves. The question really is about longevity. How long is the great helper tool that promises you to use tomorrow’s features today safe or sensible to use? And – does it matter how big and important the tool is at the time? As an example, Google just put Material Web Components in maintenance and I remember those being “safe to use for now and later to build great apps” when they came out.

Talking about the web, the state of JS results are out and Patrick Brosset did a deep-dive analysing the State of HTML 2023 results.

The AI scraper discussion is also far from over as AI companies bypass web standard to scrape publisher sites as reported by Reddit and verified by other sources. It is tricky as you want to support search bots but not scrapers…

The Internet Archive was forced to remove 500k books, which is understandable, but there is a big group of people who can only read them there as other book display sites are inaccessible. Google has an interesting take as they donated $5 million to create inclusive tools and educational programmes. So, if you want to do some good and get
some money, why not fix those ePUB/PDF displayers?

Code and Toolsarticles

Today I got two CODE100 challenges for you – solving one gets you A VIP ticket to our World Congress and the other is a test for people to become challengers in the final of CODE100 at the same event. So, on your keyboards, get, set, go!

VIPs wanted – solve the Twilio CODE100 challenge!


My company partnered with Twilio to give you a new CODE100 puzzle to solve. Check the
README and submit your solution for your chance to win your  WeAreDevelopers World Congress VIP ticket worth > 1000 Euro!

Join the other finalists in the CODE100 live event in Berlin<

Check out the 100 hits challenge to show us that you got what it takes to compete alongside the winners of CODE100 Zagreb, Amsterdam and Manchester. Apply now!


Other code news: GitHub Copilot in the CLI is now generally available! I’ve been using the preview for quite some time and it is amazing. Ask for a shell script, see it and run it immediately. Together with thef*ck, it is command line magic.

Leah Verou has naughty hacks to fake inline conditionals in CSS, there’s a gallery of CSS Toggles but Adrian Roselli warns about under-engineered toggles.

In bonkers code news, you can use AI to drop hats on people and llama.ttf is a font file which is also a LLM and an inference engine for that model

Some tools for you:


Francesco Ciulla - Building an AI language app at World Congress 2024

We sat down with Francesco Ciulla ahead of his appearance at the World Congress in Berlin later
this month. We talked about public speaking, why he’s gone all in on Rust, and what we can expect from his
session. See his answers

Other videos of note:

Work and Jobsarticles

A lot has happened in the job world, the OpenAI CTO says AI kills unnecessary creative jobs but this hits freelancers hard. The CEO of Anthropic questions universal basic income as a fix for job losses and half of Dell workers chose to work remote, even though it means no
promotions. Shawn “swyx” Wang sees new use cases and careers in AI, Stack Overflow explains that real 10x developers makes their whole team better and there is a spicy take on tech hiring.

Procrastination Corner / Wonderful Weird Web