Christian Heilmann

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Archive for November, 2014

It is Blue Beanie Day – let’s reflect #bbd14

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Today we celebrate once again blue beanie day. People who build things that are online don their blue hat and show their support for standards based web development. All this goes back to Jeffrey Zeldman’s book that outlined that idea and caused a massive change in the field of web design.

me, wearing my HTML beanie

Let’s celebrate – once again

It feels good to be part of this, it is a tradition and it reminds us of how far we’ve come as a community and as a professional environment. To me, it starts to feel a bit stale though. I get the feeling we are losing our touch to what happens these days and celebrate the same old successes over and over again.

This could be normal disillusionment of having worked in the same field for a long time. It also could be having heard the same messages over and over. I start to wonder if the message of “use web standards” is still having an impact in today’s world.

The web is a commodity

I am not saying they are unnecessary – far from it. I am saying that we lose a lot of new developers to other causes and that web development as a craft is becoming less important than it used to be.

The web is a thing that people use. It is there, it does things. Much like opening a tap gives you water in most places we live in. We don’t think about how the tap works, we just expect it to do so. And we don’t want to listen to anyone who tells us that we need to use a tap in a certain way or we’re “doing it wrong”. We just call someone in when the water doesn’t run.

Standards mattered most when browsers worked against them

When web standards based development became a thing it was an absolute necessity. Browser support was all over the shop and we had to find something we can rely on. That is a standard. You can dismantle and assemble things because there is a standard for screws and screwdrivers. You can also use a knife or a key for that and thus damage the screw and the knife. But who cares as long as the job’s done, right? You do – as soon as you need to disassemble the same thing again.

Far beyond view source

Nowadays our world has changed a lot. Browser support is excellent. Browsers are pretty amazing at displaying complex HTML, CSS and JavaScript. On top of that, browsers are development tools giving us insights into what is happening. This goes beyond the view-source of old which made the web what it is. You can now inspect JavaScript generated code. You an see browser internal structures. You see what loaded when and how the browser performs. You can inspect canvas, WebGL and WebAudio. You can inspect browsers on connected devices and simulate devices and various connectivity scenarios.

All this and the fact that the HTML5 parser is forgiving and fixes minor markup glitches makes our chant for web standards support seem redundant. We’ve won. The enemies of old – Flash and other non-standard technologies seem to be forgotten. What’s there to celebrate?

Our standards, right or wrong?

Well, the struggle for a standards based web is far from over and at times we need to do things we don’t like doing. An open source browser like Firefox having to support DRM in video playback is not good. But it is better than punishing its users by preventing them from using massively successful services like Netflix. Or is it? Should our goal to only support open and standardised technology be the final decision? Or is it still up to us to show that open and standardised means the solutions are better in the long run and let that one slip for now? I’m not sure, but I know that it is easier to influence something when you don’t condemn it.

A new, self-made struggle

All in all there is a new target for those of us who count themselves in the blue beanie camp: complexity and “de-facto standards”.

The web grew to what it is now as it was simple to create for it. Take a text editor, write some code, open it in a browser and you’re done. These days professional web development looks much different. We rely on package managers. We rely on resource managers. We use task runners and pre-processing to create HTML, CSS and JavaScript solutions. All these tools are useful and can make a massive difference in a big and complex site. They should not be a necessity and are often overkill for the final product though. Web standards based development means one thing: you know what you’re doing and what your code should do in a supported browser. Adding these layers adds a layer of dark magic to that. Instead of teaching newcomers how to create, we teach them to rely on things they don’t understand. This is a perfectly OK way to deliver products, but it sets a strange tone for those learning our craft. We don’t empower builders, we empower users of solutions to build bigger solutions. And with that, we create a lot of extra code that goes on the web.

A “de-facto standard” is nonsense. The argument that something becomes good and sensible because a lot of people use it assumes a lot. Do these people use it because they need it? Or because they like it? Or because it is fashionable to use? Or because it yields quick results? Results that in a few months time are “considered dangerous” but stick around for eternity as the product has been shipped.

Framing the new world of web development

We who don the blue hats live in a huge echo chamber. It is time to stop repeating the same messages and concentrate on educating again. The web is obese, solutions become formulaic (parallax scrollers, huge hero headers…). There is a whole new range of frameworks to replace HTML, CSS and JavaScript out there that people use. Our job as the fans of standards is to influence those. We should make sure we don’t go towards a web that is dependent on the decisions of a few companies. Promises of evergreen support for those frameworks ring hollow. It happened with YUI - a very important player in making web standards based work scale to huge company size. And it can happen to anything we now promote as “the easier way to apply standards”.

What if everything is awesome?

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

this kid is awesome

These are the notes for my talk at Codemotion Madrid this year.
You can watch the screencast on YouTube and you can check out the slides at Slideshare.

An incredibly silly movie

The other day I watched Pacific Rim and was baffled by the awesomeness and the awesome inanity of this movie.

Let’s recap a bit:

  • There is a rift to another dimension under water that lets alien monsters escape into our world.
  • These monsters attack our cities and kill people. That is bad.
  • The most effective cause of action is that we build massive, erect walking robots on land to battle them.
  • These robots are controlled by pilots who walk inside them and throw punches to box these monsters.
  • These pilots all are super fit, ripped and beautiful and in general could probably take on these monsters in a fight with bare hands. The scientists helping them are helpless nerds.
  • We need to drop the robots with helicopters to where they are needed, because that looks awesome, too.

All in all the movie is borderline insane as if we had a rift like that under water, all we’d need is mine it. Or have some massive ships and submarines where the rift is ready to shoot and bomb anything that comes through. Which, of course, beats trying to communicate with it.

The issue is that this solution would not make for a good blockbuster 3D movie aimed at 13 year olds. Nothing fights or breaks in a fantastic manner and you can’t show crumbling buildings. We’d be stuck with mundane tasks. Like writing a coherent script, proper acting or even manual camera work and settings instead of green screen. We can’t have that.

Tech press hype

What does all that have to do with web development? Well, I get the feeling we got to a world where we try to be awesome for the sake of being awesome. And at the same time we seem to be missing out on the fact that what we have is pretty incredible as it is.

One thing I blame is the tech press. We still get weekly Cinderella stories of the lonely humble developer making it big with his first app (yes, HIS first app). We hear about companies buying each other for billions and everything being incredibly exciting.

Daily frustrations

In stark contrast to that, our daily lives as developers are full of frustrations. People not knowing what we do and thus not really giving us feedback on what we do, for example. We only appear on the scene when things break.

Our users can also be a bit of an annoyance as they do not upgrade the way we want them to and keep using things differently than we anticipated.

And even when we mess up, not much happens. We put our hearts and lots of efforts into our work. When we see something obviously broken or in dire need of improvement we want to fix it. The people above us in the hierarchy, however, are happy to see it as a glitch to fix later.

Flight into professionalism

Instead of working on the obvious broken communication between us and those who use our products and us and those who sell them (or even us and those who maintain our products) I hear a louder and louder call for “professional development”. This involves many abstractions and intelligent package managers and build scripts that automate a lot of the annoying cruft of our craft. Cruft in the form of extraneous code. Code that got there because of mistakes that our awesome new solutions make go away. But isn’t the real question why we still make so many mistakes in the first place?

Apps good, web bad!

One of the things we seem to be craving is to match the state of affairs of native platforms, especially the form factor of apps. Apps seem to be the new, modern form factor of software delivery. Fact is that they are a questionable success (and may even be a step back in software evolution as I put it in a TEDx talk. If you look at who earns something with them and how long they are in use on average it is hard to shout “hooray for apps”. On the web, there is a problem that there are so far no standards that define an app that are working across platforms. If you wonder how far that is going along, the current state of mobile apps on the web describes this in meticulous detail at the W3C.

Generic code is great code?

A lot of what we crave as developers is generic. We don’t want to write code that does one job well, we want to write code that can take any input and does something intelligent with it. This is feel good code. We are not only clever enough to be programmers We also write solutions that prevent people from making mistakes by predicting them.

Fredrik Noren wrote a brilliant piece on this called “On Generalisation“. In it he argues that writing generic code means trying to predict the future and that we are bad at that. He calls out for simpler, more modular and documented code that people can extend instead of catch-all solutions to simple problems.

I found myself nodding along reading this. There seems to be a general tendency to re-invent instead of improving existing solutions. This comes natural for developers – we want to create instead of read and understand. I also blame sites like hacker news which are a beauty pageant of small, quick and super intelligent technical solutions for every conceivable problem out there.

Want some proof? How about Static Site Generators listing 295 different ways to create static HTML pages? Let’s think about that: static HTML pages!

The web is obese!

We try to fix our world by stacking abstractions and creating generic solutions for small issues. The common development process and especially the maintenance process looks different, though.

People using Content Management Systems to upload lots of un-optimised photos are a problem. People using too many of our sleak and clever solutions also add to the fact that that web performance is still a big issue. According to the HTTP Archive the average web site is 2 MB in data delivered in 100(!) HTTP requests. And that years after we told people that each request is a massive cause of a slow and sluggish web experience. How can anyone explain things like the new LG G Watch site clocking in at 54 MB on the first loadLG G Watch site clocking in at 54 MB on the first load whilst being a responsive design?

Tools of awesome

There are no excuses. We have incredible tools that give us massive insight into our work. What we do is not black art any longer, we don’t hope that browsers do good things with our code. We can peek under the hood and see the parts moving. is incredible. It gives us detailed insight into what is going right and wrong in our web sites right in the browser. You can test the performance of a site simulating different speeds and load it from servers all over the world. You get a page optimisation checklist, graphs about what got loaded when and when things started rendering. You even get a video of your page loading and getting ready for users to play with.

There are many resources how to use this tool and others that help us with fixing performance issues. Addy Osmani gave a great talk at CSS Conf in Berlin re-writing the JSConf web site live on stage using many of these tools.

Browsers are incredible tools

Browsers have evolved from simple web consumption tools to full-on development environments. Almost all browsers have some developer tools built in that not only allow you to see the code in the current page but also to debug. You have step-by-step debugging of JavaScript, CSS debugging and live previews of colours, animations, element dimensions, transforms and fonts. You have insight into what was loaded in what sequence, you can see what is in localStorage and you can do performance analysis and see the memory consumption.
The innovation in development tools of browsers is incredible and moves at an amazing speed. You can now even debug on devices connected via USB or wireless and Chrome allows you to simulate various devices and network/connectivity conditions.
Sooner or later this might mean that we won’t any other editors any more. Any user downloading a browser could also become a developer. And that is incredible. But what about older browsers?

Polyfills as a services

A lot of bloat on the web happens because of us trying to give new, cool effects to old, tired browsers. We do this because of a wrong understanding of the web. It is not about giving the same functionality to everybody, but instead to give a working experience to everybody.

The idea of a polyfill is genius: write a solution for an older environment to play with new functionality and get our UX ready for the time browsers support it. It fails to be genius when we never, ever remove the polyfills from our solutions. The Financial Times development team now had a great idea to offer . This means you include one JavaScript file.

<script src="//" 
        async defer>

You can define which functionality you want to polyfill and it’ll be done that way. When the browser supports what you want, the stop-gap solution never gets included at all. How good is that?

Flexbox growing up

Another thing of awesome I saw the other day at CSS tricks. Chris Coyier uses Flexbox to create a toolbar that has fixed elements and others using up the rest of the space. It extends semantic HTML and does a great job being responsive.


All the CSS code needed for it is this:

*, *:before, *:after {
  -moz-box-sizing: inherit;
       box-sizing: inherit;
html {
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
       box-sizing: border-box;
body {
  padding: 20px;
  font: 100% sans-serif;
.bar {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  -webkit-align-items: center;
      -ms-flex-align: center;
          align-items: center;
  width: 100%;
  background: #eee;
  padding: 20px;
  margin: 0 0 20px 0;
.bar > * {
  margin: 0 10px;
.icon {
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
  background: #ccc;
  border-radius: 50%;
.search {
  -webkit-flex: 1;
      -ms-flex: 1;
          flex: 1;
.search input {
  width: 100%;
.bar-2 .username {
  -webkit-order: 2;
      -ms-flex-order: 2;
          order: 2;
.bar-2 .icon-3 {
  -webkit-order: 3;
      -ms-flex-order: 3;
          order: 3;
.bar-3 .search {
  -webkit-order: -1;
      -ms-flex-order: -1;
          order: -1;
.bar-3 .username {
  -webkit-order: 1;
      -ms-flex-order: 1;
          order: 1;
.no-flexbox .bar {
  display: table;
  border-spacing: 15px;
  padding: 0;
.no-flexbox .bar > * {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  white-space: nowrap;
.no-flexbox .username {
  width: 1px;
@media (max-width: 650px) {
  .bar {
    -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
        -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
            flex-wrap: wrap;
  .icon {
    -webkit-order: 0 !important;
        -ms-flex-order: 0 !important;
            order: 0 !important;
  .username {
    -webkit-order: 1 !important;
        -ms-flex-order: 1 !important;
            order: 1 !important;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 15px;
  .search {
    -webkit-order: 2 !important;
        -ms-flex-order: 2 !important;
            order: 2 !important;
    width: 100%;

That is pretty incredible, isn’t it?

More near-future tech of awesome

Other things that are brewing get me equally excited. WebRTC, WebGL, Web Audio and many more things are pointing to a high fidelity web. A web that allows for rich gaming experiences and productivity tools built right into the browser. We can video and audio chat with each other and send data in a peer-to-peer fashion without relying or burning up a server between us.

Service Workers will allow us to build a real offline experience. With AppCahse we’re hoping users will get something and not aggressively cache outdated information. If you want to know more about that watch these two amazing videos by Jake Archibald: The Service Worker: The Network layer that is yours to own and The Service worker is coming, look busy!

Web Components have been the near future for quite a while now and seem to be in a bit of a “let’s build a framework instead” rut. Phil Legetter has done and incredible job collecting what that looks like. It is true: the support of Shadow DOM across the board is still not quite there. But a lot of these frameworks offer incredible client-side functionality to go into the standard.

What can you do?

I think it is time to stop chasing the awesome of “soon we will be able to use that” and instead be more fearless about using what we have now. We love to write about just how broken things are when they are in their infancy. We tend to forget to re-visit them when they’ve matured more. Many things that were a fever dream a year ago are now ready for you to roll out – if you work with progressive enhancement. In general, this is a safe bet as the web will never be in a finished state. Even native platforms are only in a fixed state between major releases. Mattias Petter Johansson of Spotify put it quite succinctly in a thread why JavaScript is the only client side language:

Hating JavaScript is like hating the Internet.
The Internet is a cobweb of different technologies cobbled together with duct tape, string and chewing gum. It’s not elegantly designed in any way, because it’s more of a growing organism than it is a machine constructed with intent.

The web is chaotic, so much for sure, but it also aims to be longer lasting than other platforms. The in-built backwards compatibility of its technologies makes it a beautiful investment. As Paul Bakaus of Google put it:

If you build a web app today, it will run in browsers 10 years from now. Good luck trying the same with your favorite mobile OS (excluding Firefox OS).

The other issue we have to overcome is the dogma associated with some of our decisions. Yes, it would be excellent if we could use open web standards to build everything. It would be great if all solutions had their principles of distribution, readability and easy sharing. But we live in a world that has changed. In many ways in the mobile space we have to count our blessings. We can and should allow some closed technology take its course before we go back to these principles. We’ve done it with Flash, we can do it with others, too. My mantra these days is the following:

If you enable people world-wide to get a good experience and solve a problem they have, I like it. The technology you use is not the important part. How much you lock them in is. Don’t lock people in.

Go share and teach

One thing is for sure: we never had a more amazing environment to learn and share. Services like GitHub, JSFiddle, JSBin and Codepen make it easy to distribute and explain code. You can show instead of describe and you can fix instead of telling people that they are doing wrong. There is no better way to learn than to show and if you set out to teach you end up learning.

A great demo of this is together.js. Using this WebRTC based tool (or its implementation in JSFiddle by hitting the collaborate button) you can code together, with several cursors, audio chat or a text chat client directly in the browser. You explain in context and collaborate live. And you make each other learn something and get better. And this is what is really awesome.

Diversifight – a talk at the diversity hackathon at Spotify Sweden

Monday, November 24th, 2014

Yesterday afternoon I presented at the “Diversify” hackathon in the offices of Spotify in Stockholm, Sweden. The event was aimed at increasing diversity in IT by inviting a group of students that represented a good mix of gender and ethnic background to work together on hacks with music and music data. There was no strict competitive aspect to this hackathon and no prizes or winners – it was all about working together and seeing how a mixed group can achieve better results.

speaking at diversify
the earth needs rebels
Photos by Sofie Lindblom and Ejay Janis

When I was asked to speak at an event about diversity in IT, I was flattered but also confused. Being very white and male I don’t really have a chance to speak from a viewpoint of a group that brings diversity to the mix. But I do have a lot of experience and I looked into the matter quite a bit. Hence I put together a talk that covers a few things I see going wrong, a few ideas and tools we have to make things better by bettering ourselves and a reminder that the world of web development used to be much more diverse and we lost these opportunities. In essence, the break-neck speed of our market, the hype the press and events living on overselling the amazing world of startups and the work environments we put together seem to actively discouraging diversity. And that is what I wanted the students to consider and fight once they go out and start working in various companies.

Diversity is nothing we can install – it is something we need to fight for. And it makes no sense if only those belonging to disadvantaged groups do that.

This talk is pretty raw and unedited, and it is just a screencast. I would love to give a more polished version of it soon.

You can watch the the screencast on YouTube.

The slides are available on Slideshare.

Resources I covered in the talk:

The feedback was amazing, students really liked it and I am happy I managed to inspire a few people to think deeper about a very important topic.

A big thank you to the Spotify Street Team and especially Caroline Arkenson for having me over (and all the hedgehog photos in the emails).

Simple things: styling ordered lists

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

This blog started as a scratch pad of simple solutions to problems I encountered. So why not go back to basics?

It is pretty easy to get an ordered list into a document. All you have to do is add an OL element with LI child elements:

  <li>Collect underpants</li>

But what if you want to style the text differently from the numbers? What if you don’t like that they end with a full stop? The generated numbers of the OL are somewhat of that dark magic browsers do for us (something we work on dragging into the sunlight with ShadowDOM).

In order to make those more style-able in the past you had to add another element to get a hook:

<ol class="oldschool">
  <li><span>Collect underpants</span></li>

.oldschool li {
  color: green;
.oldschool span {
  color: lime;

Which is kind of a terrible hack and doesn’t quite scale as you may never know who edits your list. With newer browsers we have a better way of doing that using CSS counters. The browser support is ridiculously good, so there should be no excuse for us not to use them:


Using counter, you keep the HTML structure:

<ol class="counter">
  <li>Collect underpants</li>

You then reset the counter for each of the lists with this class:

.counter { 
  counter-reset: list;

This means each list will start at 1 and not go on through the document tree. You then get rid of the list style and style the list item like you want to. In this case we give it a colour and we position it relative. This allows us to position other, new content in there and contain it to the list item:

.counter li {
  list-style: none;
  position: relative;
  color: lime;

Once you hid the normal numbering with the list-style: none; you can create your own numbers using counter and generated CSS content:

.counter li::before {
  counter-increment: list;
  content: counter(list) '.';
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: -1.2em;
  color: green;

If you wanted to remove the full stop, all you need to do is remove it in the CSS. You have now full styling control over these numbers, for example you can animate them slightly moving from one colour to another and zoom out a bit:

demo animation of the effect

.animated li::before {
  transition: 0.5s;
  color: green;
.animated li:hover::before {
  color: white;
  transform: scale(1.5);

Counters allow you for a lot of different times of numbering. You can for example add a leading zero by using counter(list,decimal-leading-zero), you can use Roman numerals with counter(list,lower-roman) or even Greek ones with counter(list,lower-greek).

If you want to see all of that in action, check out this Fiddle:

Pretty simple, and quite powerful. Here are some more places to read up on this:

What I am looking for in a guest writer on this blog

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

Simple: go try guest writing someplace else. This is my personal blog and if I am interested in something, I come to you and do it interview style in order to point to your work or showcase something amazingly cool that you have done.


Please, please, please with cherry on top, stop sending me emails like this one:


I’m {NAME}, a freelance writer/education consultant. I found “Christian Heilmann” on a Google search and thought I would contact you to see if you would like to work with me. I own a website on Job Application Service that I’m currently promoting for myself. I thought we could benefit each other somehow? If you are interested, I’d be happy to write a very high-quality article for your site and get a couple permanent links from it? While your website is benefiting from my high-quality article, I’m getting links from your site, making this proposition mutually beneficial.
Shall I write an article that matches your niche and send it across for your review or do you need me to write on a particular topic that interests you and your readers, I’m open to any topic, thoughts please?
If this does not interest you, I am sorry to have bothered you. Have a good day! If this does great I hope we can build a long-term business relationship together! If you wish to have a chat on the phone please let me know your phone number and when a good time to call is :) If you’d like, I can share samples with you.

I am very happy you know how to enter a name in Google and find the blog of that person. That’s a good start. Nobody got hurt, you didn’t overdo it with the research or spent too much effort before asking for my phone number and pointing out just how much you would get out of this “mutually beneficial relationship”. Seriously, I would love to be a fly on the wall when you try dating.

I’ve worked hard on this blog, that’s why it has some success or is at least found. Go work on yours yourself. That’s how it should be. A blog is you. Just like this one is mine.