Christian Heilmann

A Speakerrate comments badge or another reason to love Twitter

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 at 8:01 am

Another reason to love Twitter: You ask for APIs and you get them. As requested in my Tweet, speaker rate acted very quickly and build an API
for latest comments – and here is my thank you. Using a bit of YQL magic and some JavaScript I put together a badge to show off the latest speakerrate comments on your page:

Speakerrate Badge Test by  you.

Check out the demo page of the badge and get the source and read the docs on GitHub.


Simply add a DIV with a link to your speaker page on speakerrate:

Then add the script and call the init() method:

You can also provide a few options to the init() method to change the look and features of the badge:

If you need different styles, just use styled:false or override the ones applied.

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