TTMMHTM: Design definition, my little pony, uriplay and a hidden wine cellar full of win
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 at 11:29 amThings that made me happy this morning:
First up a definition of design:
Design is 70% dealing with people, 3% the idea, 2% selling the idea, 2% the brief, 2% being pig headed, 1% printing, 3% eye for detail, .6% invoices, 2% coffee, .7% tracking, .1% warm glow, .6% panic, 1% 4am, .6% staring, .2% checking, 1% letting go, .8% keeping hold, .7% estimates, .3% checking, .4% proofs, .1% colour, .9% understanding, .4% marketing, 1% checking, .8% beach ball, .5% mice, .3% keynotes, .4% persuasion, .2% bragging, .5% smiling, 2% knowing when to stop.
- Cheer up the chatbot is an Eliza style experiment to simulate human intelligence. Or is it? Play with it a bit and you find there is a difference. Then click the ????
- Vodaphone have a hero shot on their homepage that shows the same idea as my geek tattoo
- The future of web apps 2009 UK tour schedule is out – I will be speaking about YQL in Cambridge
- My Little Pony gets a hollywood makeover, I find the Princess Leia Pony especially disturbing.
- eCSStender is a scripting solution by Aaron Gustafson that promises to fix CSS support and allow us to extend CSS. I will have a play with that
- People are now using Twitter to share recipes who’d have thought you can do that in 140 characters?
- URIPlay is an interesting idea to make playing, finding and annotating media on the web much easier
- You can now make paper from wombat poo.
- Malwarebytes has some good information how to keep your OS challenged computer clean – think conficker
- I want one of those awesome wine cellars in my floor – and maybe turn it into a missile silo
Tags: ai, chatbot, fowa, malware, media players, my little pony, security, wine