TTMMHTM – Rocket Packs, Chiptunes in Ruby, Times People API and Museums and form filling Microformats in YQL
Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 at 1:23 pmThings that made me happy this morning
- Shock value cushions could be fun to use at the next hack day.
- A German inventor built his own James Bond rocket pack using water pressure
- Bloopsaphone is a library to create chip-tune music in Ruby or C
- A video mashup of Fatboy Slim and the Russian Army – you’ve been served
- Jim O’Donnell has set up an Open Data Table for YQL to index the National Maritime Museum Archive
- George Ornbo uses YQL and microformats to pre-populate web forms
- The New York Times have a new API that allows you to retrieve TimesPeople data for a particular user, including the user’s profile, activities, news feed and network
- Adobe released a neat list of all the Adobe evangelists on Twitter
Tags: adobe, chiptunes, cushions, microformats, rocketpack, twitter, yql