TTMMHTM: Hardening WordPress, hard research in space, Pacman text adventure and AOL accessibility competition
Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 9:10 pmThings that made me happy this morning (already adjusting my time to India, where I am flying tomorrow):
- PacMan the text adventure
- Apparently TweetEffect is now a startup – time to get some VC people in?
- Being a missionary in space is impossible according to NASA research. This is interesting as all the things produced by NASA are public domain aren’t they? I always thought of sex with effects as creative commons as the derivative works are normally attributed back to the original developers (“she has your father’s eyes”)
- Smashing Magazine give 10 tips to protect your WordPress admin area
- Of all the people AOL is running an accessibility developer contest but damnit I am too late:
We’re looking for ideas for applications to assist computer and Internet users with disabilities – and we’re going to build them through the competitions of the 2009 TopCoder Open.
Now, we’ve extended the Sensations Developer Challenge Idea Generation contest for two more days, and we’ve thrown some bonus prizes into the mix!
In case three trips to the TCO in Las Vegas and $7,500 in prizes wasn’t enough, AOL will be giving an iPod Touch to five submitters to this contest, selected at random after the new deadline Tuesday, January 27th at 2pm ET.
Tags: accessibility, aol, contest, pacman, retro, security, textadventure, wordpress