Scripting Enabled Venue and Tickets are now available!
Monday, July 21st, 2008 at 3:54 pmI’ve met with the lovely people from Gamelab and the Metropolitan University on Friday and we finalized the details of Scripting Enabled.
Scripting Enabled is a two day event in London on the 19th and 20th of September 2008. The goals of the event are:
- to build accessible interfaces to currently inaccessible services,
- get hackers and non-technical people who know about accessibility problems to talk and
- release documentation and tools based on real issues to make the web a more inclusive place.
This event is separated into two different parts and you need to book separate tickets!
The first day is dedicated to getting real information about accessibility barriers of online systems and techniques to work around them. This day is for:
- Developers that will come on the second day to find out what needs building
- Anybody who wants to learn about accessibility barriers from those who get blocked by them and not from theory
- Anybody who wants to share their experiences in being blocked out from online services because of their ability
The second day is a development event where we will try to build solutions and alternative interfaces into existing systems that work around the issues we learned about on the first day.
This day is for:
- Developers that want to build truly accessible interfaces and legal hacks around currently inaccessible systems
- People that can give real information based on research and user testing to hep developers build the right things
- Testers that can give us a real user experience rather than having to simulate it.
Tags: accessibility, development, event, hacking, scriptingenabled