My talk at GeekUp as video – the NorthCast recording is live
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008 at 2:47 pmThe lovely chaps from Northcast have edited and uploaded the video of my talk at GeekUp Leeds about JavaScript and the YUI.
I especially like that they went through the whole story, right from me arriving handing over the schwag and being hugged by mysterious flatcapped Northern beauties, including the whole talk and the full Q&A session. The second part of the Q&A session is a bit on the rough side from a sound perspective but I guess the free beer consumed till then is to blame.
I hope this is useful to some, it was interesting for me to see what I talked about as the whole presentation was finished on the train and completely ad-libbed as it is.
Thanks again to GeekUp and the NorthCast people, good job and I am looking forward to more of this sort.
Tags: geekup, northcast, presentation, video, YUI