Christian Heilmann

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Archive for June, 2006

Hear and See the DOM Scripting Task Force

Friday, June 30th, 2006

... chat about JavaScript stuff (O RLY?).

Ian Forrester organiser of the Geek Dinners roasted PPK, Jeremy Keith, Dean Edwards and me at the @media afterparty. The sound is rather bad, and it is a 54MB MP4 file to enjoy on a newfangled gizmo. For cheapskate users like me, it also plays in Mediaplayer classic.

Get all the video footage of the @media afterparty (Molly and Andy talking about CSS, ‘Have I got Accessibility for You’ with Andy, Brothercake, Patrick Lauke, Tomas Caspers and Isofarro and us) at Ian’s footage page

Free Excerpt of my book on the YUI blog

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

As I am covering the Yahoo! User Interface library in the “Using Third Party JavaScript” chapter of my book we decided to offer YUI users an exclusive preview excerpt of the chapter.

You can download the chapter excerpt in PDF format at the YUI Blog

Enjoy! – Get the code and information about ‘Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax’

Monday, June 26th, 2006

I am proud to announce that my book has been shipped out the printers and will be available soon-ish in the shops or arrive at your places when you pre-ordered it.

Cover of Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax

I used the better part of my freetime (that is normally spent on personal grooming) of the last 7 months writing it on my trusty T42 IBM laptop on the tube to work, in restaurants, cafes and other people’s houses.

The outcome is pretty impressive though:

  • Over 500 pages of text
  • 207 HTML examples
  • 104 JavaScript files
  • 14 PHP files
  • 55 CSS files
  • About 30 bad illustrations

You can get all the information about it and download or check out the code examples at

I hope I succeeded in delivering a book that will help beginners get the basics of JavaScript and will also help seasoned developers to brush up on old practices.

Anyways, the next one is in the making…

d.construct 2006 is open for registration

Friday, June 23rd, 2006

d.construct 2006The Brighton-based Conference d.construct has now opened for registration for the 2006 event. From the site:

d.Construct is an affordable, one-day conference aimed at those building the latest generation of web-based applications. The event discusses how new technology is transforming the web from a document delivery system into an application platform.

Tickets are comparatively cheap and there is an impressive line-up of speakers this year including Jeffrey Veen, of Google, Derek Featherstone of furtherahead, Simon Willison and Paul Hammond of Yahoo, and Jeff Barr of Amazon.

Last year the conference sold out amazingly quick, so get your CCs ready…

Beyond the Browser – JavaScript in rich applications

Friday, June 23rd, 2006

JavaScript is not only used in browsers – many applications start supporting it as a means to extend and script for them – the new Yahoo! Messenger 8 being one of them. (more…)