Christian Heilmann

GitHub Copilot is a great example for in-context AI chat

August 2nd, 2023

Generative AI is only as good as its integration in your work environment. GitHub Copilot Chat in Visual Studio Code is a great example how to do that right. You can highlight code in the editor and press `CMD + I` on Mac or `Ctrl + I` on Linux/Windows and you get a text box […]

Five things about public speaking

July 31st, 2023

As part of the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2023, we did a quick session on starting out as a public speaker. To this end, I was asked to do a “Five things about public speaking” video. Here is the video and a write-up about the tips. In the world of public speaking, engaging, informing, and delighting […]

Browser-Entwicklerwerkzeuge für Nicht-Entwickler:innen – neuer Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning

July 19th, 2023

Ab heute ist mein erster deutscher Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning Browser Entwicklerwerkzeuge für Nicht-Entwickler:innen live! In dem circa eine Stunde langem Kurs erkläre ich, wie man die Entwicklerwerkzeuge in den gängigen Browsern benutzt, um Webinhalte zu analysieren und zu verändern. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die sich für Webinhalte interessieren, aber keine Entwickler:innen sind. […]

What if the Nazis had the internet and social media?

July 19th, 2023

Going through the bargain bin at a local store I came across the novel NSA by Andreas Eschbach. It is based on the intriguing idea what would have happened if the Nazis had access to the internet, social media, mobile devices and card payment systems. The NSA is a state-owned department of the government before […]

Please, WordPress, keep the alternative text I entered

July 11th, 2023

I’ve been using WordPress here since the beginning and I am still happy with what it does for me. One thing that drives me bonkers though is a UX bug in the media tool. Almost every time I upload an image to WordPress, I start typing in alternative text. The problem is that the editor […]