My Books
Yes, I did write some words and put them with ink on dead trees for you to read in those few moments when the wireless is down again.
This is what it says on the tin: a JavaScript book that starts at zero and ends with Ajax. All the way I made sure I praise and explain unobtrusive scripting and working in a way that enables people that come after you to take over work from you without despairing. You can get the code at
This book was technically co-authored but Norm pulled out halfway through, so most was written by me. The book is a great one, but never got as successful as the Beginning JavaScript one as the title is misleading. We planned and executed the book as a step by step blueprint to create a web site using WordPress as the base and several online services as data sources (flickr,, youtube,
If you know someone who wants to have a great web site without coding, this is a good choice.
This was a quick chapter for this Sitepoint release and it turned out to be a wonderful book. My chapter is dealing with creating unobtrusive JavaScript badges for distribution.
I wrote the “accessible JavaScript” chapter of this reference that should be on the table of everyone who claims to want to deal with web accessibility.
Fully authored books
Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional
This is what it says on the tin: a JavaScript book that starts at zero and ends with Ajax. All the way I made sure I praise and explain unobtrusive scripting and working in a way that enables people that come after you to take over work from you without despairing. You can get the code at
Web Development Solutions: Ajax, APIs, Libraries, and Hosted Services Made Easy
This book was technically co-authored but Norm pulled out halfway through, so most was written by me. The book is a great one, but never got as successful as the Beginning JavaScript one as the title is misleading. We planned and executed the book as a step by step blueprint to create a web site using WordPress as the base and several online services as data sources (flickr,, youtube,
If you know someone who wants to have a great web site without coding, this is a good choice.
Chapter contributions
The Art and Science of JavaScript
This was a quick chapter for this Sitepoint release and it turned out to be a wonderful book. My chapter is dealing with creating unobtrusive JavaScript badges for distribution.
Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance
I wrote the “accessible JavaScript” chapter of this reference that should be on the table of everyone who claims to want to deal with web accessibility.