Links, 2, 3, 4: Accessibility
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 at 12:32 pmHere are some recent links on the topic of accessibility you might enjoy and learn something from:
- Manuel Matuzovic has a course together with SmashingMag on Deep Dive on Accessibility Testing starting on the 14th of November 2022.
- On that topic I also have a class on Skillshare Product Management: Tools for Improving Product Accessibility and wrote the in-depth article on how to use the Edge DevTools to look for accessibility issues in your products and there’s a handy cross-reference what tool to use to test for which accessibility issue .
- Scott O’Hara writes about Responsive accessibility using visibility hidden
- Sachin Gupta of Deque describes Why you need to monitor and report on accessibility—all the time
- Léonie Watson argues Why we need CSS Speech
- Geri Reid on Designing an Accessible Future both as a video recording of her talk and in text form.
- Alicia Jarvis talks about Product Accessibility: Building an Inclusive Product