Christian Heilmann

The (new) Developer Advocacy Handbook is live!

Monday, May 31st, 2021 at 3:47 pm

I just finished the writing part of the new edition of the Developer Advocacy Handbook. I wrote the original almost 15 years ago, and this edition is a heavy re-write. A lot has changed in the world of Developer Advocacy and I tried to add my findings over the last few years to the book. It gives you all the basics of becoming a Developer Advocate and explains which channels to cover and how. I deliberately moved away from favouring certain products or social networks as these things change at a fast pace.

You can find the book at and here is the high-level table of contents:

Book chapter shown in the browser

Hosted on GitHub – contributions welcome

The book is fully written in Markdown and hosted on GitHub. I am also now opening the repo for contribution, so if you find something you’d like to change, please file an issue or create a fork. The book is licences with Creative Commons, non-commercial, so all contributions are welcome.

Next steps

I started recording audio recordings of the chapters, drop me a line if you think that’s a good plan to pursue further or not.

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