Meetup in London: why is Windows not your platform of choice
Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 at 11:16 amThis Thursday, my colleague Mike Harsh and Keith Rowe (@krow) from Microsoft’s Windows and Devices Group invite you to the Square Pig in London for some drinks and a chat. These two program managers are leading efforts to make Windows-based machines a better place for web development.
I’ve put up a small web site with the info of the meetup and there’s also a Lanyrd page. Many thanks also to London Webstandards for banging the drum.
Whilst I am not affiliated with this group and I can’t be there as I am on my way to JSConf Asia to present, I’d love to see a lot of people go and talk to them. This is a genuine offer to improve what Windows has for web developers and I already gave them quite a bit of feedback on the matter (I am a Mac user…).
I’ve been worried about our Mac fixation as web developers for a while. We preach about supporting all platforms as “it is the web” but a lot of our tooling and best practices are very Mac/Command Line centric.
I know this is a bit last minute, but as it is with London Pubs, you have to spring a grand to get the room for the evening, so please show up and at least make sure this expense ends in the form of food and drinks inside people who Microsoft can learn from.