Start spreading the news… I’m coming to New York, New York
Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 at 12:16 pmTomorrow I am flying to NYC for a week to squat in Queens and as I felt bad about not having a speaking date during that time I asked on Twitter and, lo and behold, was asked to give two quick tech talks next week.
On Tuesday I will be speaking in detail about FirefoxOS at the Flatiron Tech Talk Lunch Series by Reflexionsdata. I will concentrate not necessarily on building apps for the marketplace but on how to re-use existing web content and make it installable and findable with the app search of FirefoxOS.
The 2nd talk will be on Thursday, the 24th of October at 360i at 32 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Fl NY, NY 10013 in TriBeCa. You can sign up for this one at 360i’s Meetup page or the 360i’s Eventbrite page.
I will be speaking about “HTML5 Beyond the Hype: Current Issues & Near-Future Solutions”:
HTML5 has been sold to us as the new Flash and somehow fell behind in delivering that promise. The main issue is that the platforms that hyped HTML5 failed to cater to its needs. In this short presentation, Christian Heilmann of Mozilla shows what HTML5 can do in a more dedicated environment and how Mozilla pushes the standards with FirefoxOS. Learn how to worry less and deliver more for the next generation of users and browsers which are just around the corner
After this, I am off to San Francisco for the Samsung Developer Conference. See you there.