TTMMHTM: Valves, Adobe <3s HTML, Responsive primer, Browser pairs and lots more
Monday, April 23rd, 2012 at 1:13 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- The new employee’s handbook at Valve (PDF) is pretty much how things like that should be written. Great job.
- Adobe’s new HTML landing page shows their open source web things in one spot
- Angular.js by Google is a new MVC framework in JavaScript
- Twitter hacking the software patents world with their
- Twitter releasing a Code Class video. this.droid joke FTW
- Brad Frost, who will be the next web superhero, delivering a great article on on Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
- My boss Stormy opening the lid on how Mozilla creates communities of awesome at the Global Community Champions Workshop
- Browser Pairs is a lovingly designed HTML5 game pairing browser images(source on GitHub) – an upgrade of my attempt at that, if you will.
- Benham’s top is an interesting little optical illusion creating colours by spinning a black and white pattern
- Stroll.js animates lists while scrolling them
- Open Exchange rates is a JSON API for hourly updated exchange rates
- Transferring apps and data from one Android device to another explains just that
- I love the internet is something I say every day, too