TTMMHTM: Hipster evolution, jobs of awesome and web intents
Friday, August 5th, 2011 at 10:01 amThings that made me happy this morning (much like this wombat)
- The current landscape of social media
- Why not offer some grammar tests as a CAPTCHA (yes it will weed out all the YouTube commenters)
- These Tetris cushions might be a scam – if you arrange them the right way they vanish and you got to buy new ones
- The evolution of the Hipster explained
- Google and Mozilla are working on Web Intents, a simpler way for apps to communicate with services and each other (detailed blog post)
- Linux Outlaws recorded a podcast on open web and Mozilla with me
- Yahoo finally updated their web media player
- Be the first of your friends to like this post is clever
- CSS transitions without using :hover explains a few other pseudos
- Prickly Fluff alert – check out this gallery of baby hedgehogs on Facebook
- P2PU is hiring – if you want to help people learn about the web, check these job offers
- jQuery Fracs makes it easy to find out what is currently visible in a page
Tags: ttmmhtm